noose造句31, Ill put my head in a noose.
32, Many a necklace becomes a noose.
33, The rebels are tightening the noose around the capital.
34, Sikes made a running noose, and called him again.
35, Paying later for stuff we get today seems small, almost inconsequential early on –but becomes a noose that strangles as the years wear on.
36, Tensions flared between black and white students in the small town of Jena after a noose was hung from a tree at the high school - a symbol of the lynching of blacks in segregationist times.
37, He cut the rope then and went astern to noose the tail.
38, A device usually consisting of two upright posts supporting a crossbeam from which a noose is suspended and used for execution by hanging; a gallows tree.
39, This time you have really put your head in the noose.
40, A hangman's noose had already been placed around his neck.
41, Some link this to brain or spinal cord injuries caused by the noose, as priapism in living men has been associated with such conditions.
42, Major measures for controlled pulling is to keep good quality of speed at the finish rolling and to use big-noose permanent micro-tension operation based on reform of electric running noose for ...
43, Since the Jena case, there have been several other noose incidents across the country.
44, Then Sikes slipped and fell ! The noose was round his neck.
45, I found a piece of rope, made a noose, slipped it about the kitten's neck.
46, When you hang up a noose, that's no joke to us.
47, The dog wagged his tail, but moved not. Sikes made a running noose and called him again.
48, As the prisoner fell, the noose would snap his neck.
49, When you hang a noose, that's no joke to us.
50, He's facing the hangman's noose , ie waiting to be hanged.
51, Official video of the hanging shows Barzan being beheaded by the noose.
52, To capture or hold by or as if by a noose.