快好知 kuaihz

31. She is very charming, and skilled in the art of persuasion. 32. You can actually accomplish a lot more by gentle persuasion. 33. She will help you - she just needs a bit of gentle persuasion. 34. No amount of persuasion could make her change her mind. 35. It is my persuasion that the decision was a mistake. 36. She used all her powers of persuasion to convince Tilly that it was the right thing to do. 37. All attempts at persuasion could not bring her to approve of her son's marriage. 38. After much persuasion they managed to extract the information from him. 39. It took a lot of persuasion to convince the committee of the advantages of the new scheme. 40. I had to use all my powers of persuasion to get her to agree. 42. Persuasion is one of the most valuable skills in marketing. 43. It had taken a great deal of persuasion to get him to accept. 44. The authorities used quiet persuasion instead of the big stick. 45. He refused my offer at first, but seemed open to persuasion. 46. And this will take much time and much persuasion. 47. In the fever of Pantisocracy, he needed no persuasion. 48. We were won over by Kimball's powers of persuasion. 49. It is a powerful weapon of persuasion. 50. Personally, I am against extremists of any political persuasion. 51. Policy modifications and developments occurred through consensus and persuasion. 52. I believe deeply in persuasion, not bluster and bombast. 53. Methodology places particular emphasis on the language of persuasion. 54. Movement leadership requires persuasion, not giving orders. 55. Rational persuasion is thus the foundation of peaceful coexistence. 56. Only in the last resort, under careful international policing and after all other attempts at persuasion have been exhausted. 57. It may be rich in vocabulary, a powerful hypnotic force, of spoken in gentle tones of subtle persuasion. 58. They saw themselves as having a consultative decision-making style, using relatively loose follow-up, and being very open to persuasion. 59. Thirdly, they should develop new ideas about how existing desires and preferences are affected by influences such as persuasion and coercion. 60. Davide saw how they fastened their hopes on his powers of persuasion in the courts where identity and responsibility are conferred.