wrinkled造句91. The skin on the face was deeply wrinkled all over, but the eyes were as bright as two stars.
92. Her face looked old and wrinkled in the morning light.
93. This is noticeable after a long soak in the bath; the pads of your fingertips will take on a wrinkled appearance.
94. He is wearing a wrinkled black wool suit and vest.
95. He wrinkled his nose as if the smell was still in his nostrils.
96. She did not look old; rather, she had become wrinkled before her time.
97. Beneath the tick and scrawl that made her name the paper was lightly wrinkled.
98. Typically, brownies are small and shaggy haired, with a brown, wrinkled face.
99. Meanwhile, the arms hung down, wrinkled like grotesque, long, fallen leaves.
100. Some of them had faces: red-raw and wrinkled, with tiny eyes and pursed lips.
101. But she was tiny, with a wrinkled face and steely grey eyes.
102. Even at nine years old, I thought it was a pity the Druitt women wrinkled up so early.
103. It was like coming in to land on the wrinkled hide of some sleeping behemoth.
104. She wrinkled her brow inquisitively.
105. The wrinkled postcard now made me reconsider.
106. Her brow wrinkled with outrage.
107. Fray's forehead was wrinkled both perpendicularly and crosswise.
108. He was withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage.
109. Her wrinkled face was wreathed in smiles.
110. His long dumpy face wrinkled in a scowl.
111. They were odd and grizzled or wrinkled storekeepers.
112. Mrs Scott's face wrinkled up like a sultana.
113. Looking over them was a wrinkled, scraggy hag.
114. His face wrinkled in a silent laugh of derision.
115. Look how wrinkled I am, how shriveled I've become!
116. She wrinkled her brows in concentration.
117. The traveller was a thickset, square-shouldered, yellow, wrinkled old man, with grey eyelashes overhanging gleaming eyes of an indefinite grey colour.
118. The king of the jungle didn't roar his displeasure but wrinkled his nose in a fearsome snarl, the sort of look that would strike fear into any other creature on the plain.
119. In the district hospital's maternity ward, a wrinkled old woman walks out holding a just-born girl wrapped in a dirty rag like an unwelcome present.Munni, who uses only one name, is clearly unhappy.
120. He had on a light-blue shirt, buttoned to the top and wrinkled by sweat—it was a warm day, and there was not much of a breeze on the patio.