amnesia造句31. Character amnesia matters because memorisation is so crucial to character-based written languages, says Siok Wai Ting, assistant professor of linguistics at Hong Kong University.
32. V.S. RAMACHANDRAN: Well, you can have anosognosia for Wernicke's aphasia [a neurological disorder that prevents comprehension or production of speech] or you can have it for amnesia.
33. One of the things people have done to look at transient global amnesia is to look at frequency of various precipitants and sex always comes out as one of the most common.
34. Wang and colleagues carried out memory tests on people diagnosed with amnesia, who had known damage to the perirhinal cortex or other brain areas.
35. Results: All the patients had anterograde amnesia in different degree, and some cases had retrograde amnesia.
36. Often people will be selective amnesia, see a movie, beautiful and romantic love into a virtual, may forget old wounds.
37. Retrograde amnesia can be caused by Alzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injury (ask an NFL player), thiamine deficiency or other insults.
38. Objective To discuss the proper sedative and anterograde amnesia dosage of midazolam in epidural anaesthesia during lower abdominal and lower limb operation.
39. To study the effect of ketamine on patients retrograde amnesia and implicit memory.
40. Conclusion: Impairment of basal forebrain alone is sufficient for amnesia and spontaneous confabulation.
41. The hypermetabolism was in the left frontotemporal region in patients with ictal aphasia and in the bilateral hippocampal region in the patient with amnesia.
42. In fact, sex is just one of the activities that can cause a rare condition called "transient global amnesia.
43. The prolonged time of postconcussional syndrome at each time period of posttraumatic amnesia is longer, and the symptoms are not ameliorated within half a year.
44. Memory declination in the and old aged people was called amnesia, forgetfulness in TCM.
45. One of the major complications of ECT is the potential for cognitive impairment including retrograde and anterograde amnesia.
46. Is transient global amnesia a risk factor for amnestic mild cognitive impairment?
47. Interestingly, anisomycin has found use for the induction of amnesia in animal models.
48. Sometimes, people also experience transient retrograde amnesia, forgetting some portion of their previous memories.
49. Amnesia can be caused by damage to areas of the brain that are vital for memory processing. Unlike a temporary episode of memory loss (transient global amnesia), amnestic syndrome can be permanent.
50. Anterograde amnesia and minimal retrograde amnesia with thalamic and hippocampal lesions in neuro-Behcet's disease is rare.
51. Amnesia may occasionally last for weeks, months, or even years a condition known as fugue.
52. Objective: To investigate the mechanism, clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of 40 cases with transient global amnesia syndrome.
53. From the mid-nineties, by the power of Photos, " Bloodlines - Big Family " and "Memory and amnesia, " a series of works, and"Green wall", eventually , he formed a unique artistic.
54. The clinical studies on transient global amnesia (TGA), an acute amnesic syndrome that is common in old people, have increased in the recent years.
55. I thought: She'll probably get hit on the head and develop amnesia and blah blah blah.
56. Sufferers sometimes do things without knowing it during bouts of amnesia, sleepwalking or dream states.
57. Amnesia is a primitive, self-preservation mechanism, which comes into play when man need to protect himself or herself from some form of severe emotional or physical trauma.
58. Objective To explore if midazolam can produce excellent sedation and anterograde amnesia in patients undergoing mammaplasty.
59. Let me amnesia, suffocation, let me die before you have it!
60. The best guess for what might be happening is that patients unwittingly trigger the transient global amnesia by raising the pressure inside their abdomens.