chose造句121. He could have escaped, but he chose to stand and fight.
122. The judge chose to ignore questions of the constitutionality of the Senator's actions.
123. They chose to die nobly rather than to betray their king.
124. After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist.
125. We chose the house for our home as soon as we saw it.
126. The city chose a new mayor on Tuesday.
127. Eventually they chose an altogether different design.
128. He chose Armagh as his center of power.
129. Only those who chose the last option survived.
130. I hope that I chose my words with some care.
131. We chose to place the manometric catheter into the transverse colon.
132. The company chose Wrexham partly because of the generous financial aid available.
133. I chose seven contrasting but popular sports, some I had played many times before, others representing new challenges.
134. The city chose existing citizen advisory boards and commissions as its vehicle for citizen participation.
135. If no students chose to pray, the teacher was permitted to pray for a period of up to five minutes.
136. The lawyer should ascertain the reasons why the client chose your firm and send an acknowledgement to recommending sources, if appropriate.
137. If they chose to greet him in the street, he did not acknowledge them.
138. We chose linear regression for describing the overall changes in mean sperm concentrations, but other statistical models have also been tested.
139. The couple, both born-again Christians, chose the ceremony format, music and minister - understood to be Presbyterian.
140. This the family chose to do one cold winter day.
141. It was small comfort that he believed in what he chose to do.
142. She always chose that moment to talk about Durkin, and always in a disparaging way.
143. Rather than do this piecemeal over several years, Mr Moore chose to complete the process in five months flat.
144. If Kirov chose, he could drop Vologsky, and Operation Cuckoo, like a hot brick.
145. Here we chose a cherry with pale pink spring blossom, a welcome sight early in the year.
146. We know how Disney chose to describe his role at the studio: Walt, the busy bee.
147. A family of Wiltshire farmers decided, in 1835, to buy a brewery and chose Chiswick.
148. They always chose an aisle seat so that Sweetheart could slip away to talk to her friends without disturbing anyone.
149. He chose a site for an aviary and gave very exact and imperious directions as to the materials and measurements.
150. Among the belles in that house Susan went relatively unnoticed, and could escape the dancing when she chose.