快好知 kuaihz

61. And apologists for Labour's refusal to organise in Northern Ireland can not in all conscience describe themselves as democrats. 62. With their long history of shipbuilding Brooke Marine certainly knew how to organise these occasions. 63. The one certain way to ensure a head-on clash ... was to organise a non-Unionist march through the city centre. 64. Essex feel geographically rather remote from the Crystal Palace but have kindly offered to organise the 1982 event. 65. The experiences we organise for our learners vary according to the command of the language they have. 66. The journal staff organise up to three seminars a year, each dealing with an important national or international issue. 67. Fund raising campaigns are simpler to organise and sustain when they are short term sprints aimed at quickly achievable goals. 68. Hall's office at Dalhousie is decorated with souvenirs of the drilling expeditions he has since helped organise. 69. It must be a bit of a nightmare for the person trying to organise the itinerary at Waterloo. 70. One of the first steps will be to organise genetic counselling for all children not yet tested. 71. There are individual differences, but all history books tend to organise information in an hierarchical way. 72. Encouraged by this success, the rebels proceeded to organise a defensive network throughout the Holy Land. 73. It employs mechanical means to organise molecules into a monolayer on the surface of a liquid. 74. And, as with Favourites, you can organise your Bookmarks by putting them into folders. 75. In the face of repressive regimes, the peasantry have shown a capacity and willingness to organise and mobilise. 76. Young people wanted to organise groups too or at least to enrol somewhere in the new craze. 77. The advent of motor coaches enabled many deaf institutes to organise outings and charabanc trips. 78. We started to organise some fund raising events to buy some extra equipment for the hospital. 79. The basic principle is so to organise teaching that children have experience of producing written language across these various forms. 80. Members of the right-wing Solidarity Group picked up so many shadow cabinet posts that they no longer needed to organise. 81. Organising yourself Of all study skills, perhaps the most elusive is the ability to organise and manage time effectively. 82. Organise a prayer service and/or information event for your parish or deanery. 83. At university, young people have to budget for their living expenses, and organise their time. 84. The hall porter will be able to organise his or her staff to handle the luggage for departing guests. 3. 85. Lingdale Residents' Association asked the council's permission to organise school holiday activities on spare land in Wilson Street. 86. Second, we are concerned with how the representatives perceive their role and how they organise themselves to fulfil their tasks. 87. Their basic proposition was that we tend to organise and simplify incoming information until it makes a satisfying pattern. 88. The argument that Labour should not organise in Northern Ireland because there would be little support for it is particularly unprincipled. 89. Transport Organise trouble-free transport to and from the railway station, airport, or bus depot. 90. It envisaged the disarming of all the Kampuchean factions and the creation of a neutral interim administration to organise free elections.