快好知 kuaihz

(61) Deviant behavior is a common social phenomenon, which is also an object of study of criminology. (62) The last two definitions are tautological and especially meaningless ("paraphilias are disorders and therefore deviant"). (63) Deviant children need help. (64) It brings the deviant flow of international capital and affects revenue. (65) How do deviant peer groups form , and how peer groups influence adolescents'aggression or antisocial behavior? (66) Seek for the Dharma externally, and one falls into the deviant path. (67) Where do we draw the line between normal, healthy, typical behavior and what we might want to call abnormal, atypical, deviant, unhealthy maladaptive mental problems? (68) In this view the whistle blower is the defender of the organization's true values and the management that punishes the behavior is the deviant. (69) She broke your heart and inadvertently drove men to deviant lifestyles. (70) Tian Guisen (1998) applies recent theories of linguistics to the analysis of incongruent and deviant form at pragmatic level, i. e. "Pragmatic Metaphor".