快好知 kuaihz

1. That's a marvellous description, Mrs Drummond. You're unusually observant. 2. The scientist's observant eye noticed the slightest details. 3. You should be observant of the traffic rules. 4. An observant shop assistant had remembered exactly what the man was wearing. 5. Journalists are trained to be observant.Sentence dictionary 6. He was acutely observant of the poverty around him. 7. How very observant of you! 8. Supervisors are trained to be observant. 9. She keeps an observant eye on developments in education. 10. She was intelligent and highly observant. 11. An observant doctor can often detect depression from expression, posture, and movement. 12. Observant walkers may see red deer along this stretch of the road. 13. She was an observant but kindly woman; some of her anecdotes, in another's mouth, would have turned malicious. 14. Then Sammler, making himself intensely observant, concluded after ten or twelve minutes that Gruner definitely knew. 15. Men aren't very observant about things like hair or clothes. 16. Police are trained to be observant and to remember detail. 17. Human beings, being observant and intelligent, spot the consequences of matings between close relatives and make safety laws about them. 18. Quiet and observant walkers may see red deer along this particular stretch. 19. An observant reader has pointed out an error on page 26. 20. Even an observant hiker can walk blithely past one, and that has proved their best protection. 21. Fortunately, the electorate is far more observant and astute than it thinks. 22. The vulture instinct would make him acutely observant for any signs of imminent cerebral haemorrhage in the actor. 23. Observant readers will also notice a new look to the columnists who grace the back end of our editorial pages. 24. People may be unusually observant and tell you that you are letting yourself go. 25. Is it Robin Culley, newly sensitive, newly observant of human foible? 26. She was insightful and observant, constantly surprising her parents by what she noticed. 27. Observant husbandmen usually hate some of the adverse reaction. 28. It was half the size of the one he had just left, he noticed, unusually observant. 29. Laidler was a tall, very good-looking man, quiet and observant, who remained cheerful in spite of his illness. 30. Mervyn liked best to work alone, in the open air, and was very observant.