快好知 kuaihz

31. It was a good day for dying, and there would be plenty of it before nightfall. 32. Hers is the house with golden windows, facing west where the sun goes under. At nightfall too her window testifies. 33. By nightfall the whole city was burning and the few survivors were fleeing southwards towards Altdorf. 34. At this rate, she will never make the north coast by nightfall. 35. The rebels waited until nightfall to renew their attack on the city. 36. They left camp at first light and were in the mountains by nightfall. 37. Then, at nightfall, she came out of the desert in a sleek automobile with bloody upholstery. 38. It's a quick one - go over in the morning, back by nightfall. 39. Barnes had shot himself through the palate. At nightfall they wrote letters. 40. Since we had to be on the ship by nightfall, we set off from there in the gray chilly afternoon. 41. Rabbits are lively at nightfall, and when evening rain drives them underground they still feel gregarious. 42. Often they perch on rooftops like gargoyles, waiting hours for nightfall so they can take wing. 43. Soldiers dispersed the peasants with rifle butts, and by nightfall, violence was sweeping through the province. 44. Nothing can shake the Federals, who, at nightfall, valiantly led by Gen. 45. At nightfall she was tired and lay down to rest. 46. A drizzly dusk was settling on the city and the imminence of nightfall had an instantly erosive effect on her confidence. 47. By nightfall, the private airboat owners who had volunteered their services were asked to go home. 48. By nightfall, Oklahoma City was born on the prairie, a tent city of 10, 000. 49. Overflight by a Tupolev took place again just after nightfall. 50. But don't let that fool you - by nightfall people are waking up ready to go out on the town. 51. A few scattered lights burned on the ridge of low hills as he arrived in the cove, long after nightfall. 52. Empedocles follows Parmenides in saying that the sun goes under the Earth to cause nightfall. 53. I calculated that we had about ten hours to get to our destination before nightfall, as requested by Mr Perkins. 54. By nightfall he believed he was 30 miles from Lubeck, so next morning he headed for the port along with workpeople. 55. As soon as nightfall arrived, she found herself locking doors, shutting windows, and finding strange solace in being barred and bolted. 56. They moved on quickly, for they would have to retrace part of their way to make Ivrigar before nightfall. 57. Was I going to get to the Sanctum before nightfall? 58. Once they talked of it in the village shop, the whole village would know by nightfall. 59. Did he retrieve the missing file on Operation Nightfall? 60. She always searched for her fellows at nightfall, to have the protection of their companion - ship homeward.