快好知 kuaihz

1. Their overriding aim was to keep costs low. 2. Development is of overriding importance. 3. There is a penalty for overriding. 4. The government's overriding concern is to reduce inflation. 5. Their overriding concern is with efficient crime control. 6. Time was of overriding importance. 7. It is of overriding importance to finish the project this week. 8. The conquest of inflation has been the Government's overriding economic priority for nearly 15 years. 9. My overriding concern is to raise the standards of state education. 10. Every consideration was subservient to the overriding need to cut costs. 11. There will be no overriding sense of direction. 12. Churchill issued a new order overriding previous instructions. 13. Within their own spheres, they were of overriding importance. 14. an overriding concern to secure business efficiency. 15. Its overriding concern is with efficient crime control. 16. As with Frederick and Catherine, his overriding consideration was the power and well-being of the State. 17. These drives may have their foundation in the overriding needs to survive and to reproduce. 18. The overriding priority, therefore, was to ensure that the structure of the Party should guarantee its ideological purity. 19. The government's overriding concern to ensure domestic stability ruled out the possibility of landless Emancipation. 20. Unless there was some overriding issue of national security, Lord Young should have acknowledged that and published. 21. But the overriding image carried every night on the evening news has been one of a woefully inadequate effort. 22. In all instances, the overriding desire to maintain control over mineral resources keeps the war going. 23. In the letter Ratzinger justified discrimination against gays and lesbians in instances when there was an overriding social interest. 24. The country is asked to pay the price of the Government's overriding concern that they should not lose face. 25. Lengthy research went on to find suitable precedents but the overriding consideration was the position of Lloyd George and the Liberals. 26. Not surprisingly, they were rewarded by deep loyalty and an overriding will to succeed. 27. Its whole history is known and is a sad example of cupidity overriding respect for beauty and history. 28. Finally there are federal judges, who have a general and overriding authority over the other levels of jurisdiction. 29. For them, the sovereignty of the consumer was the overriding consideration. 30. Gould's time was too precious and his ambition too overriding to allow him a thought for artistic temperament.