快好知 kuaihz

1. The two rivers converge into one near Pittsburgh. 2. These lines converge at a certain point. 3. The paths all converge at the main gate of the park. 4. Our previously opposed views are beginning to converge. 5. Some say that capitalism and socialism will eventually converge. 6. As they flow south, the five rivers converge. 7. Parallel lines converge at infinity. 8. Cultural beliefs about the role of women converge with government policies. 9. 100 000 people are expected to converge on the town for the festival. 10. Here the two distinct theories converge. 11. Traffic is heavy where the two roads converge. 12. About 20,000 motorcyclists will converge on Milwaukee this weekend, to celebrate the 90th birthday of the Harley Davidson bike company. 13. These mountains converge in the high mountainous land to the south called the Vaults. 14. Hundreds of hippies converge on Stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice. 15. The borders of Thailand, Laos and Burma all converge at this point. 16. Leading hoteliers, publicans and restaurateurs will converge at the Kings Hall, Balmoral, to choose new wines for their customers. 17. Arches converge above boat shaped hollow concrete piers close to each riverbank and concealing hydraulic rams that perform the clever bit. 18. If you look at the end of your nose, your eyes converge. 19. Due to roadworks, three lanes of traffic have to converge into two. 20. The ships had travelled thousands of miles through hostile waters to converge in the Atlantic. 21. Either way, the transformation of the area where Broadway and Seventh Avenue converge is as remarkable as it is undeniable. 22. When Lee learned what the Federals were doing, he sent word for his scattered columns to converge west of Gettysburg. 23. So to avoid significant arbitrage profits, the futures and spot prices must converge. 24. From daytime feeding grounds up to twenty miles away, they converge on Abbey Park to roost for the night. 25. Every sundown, he told us, thousands of Java pond herons converge here for the night. 26. On this hypothesis the spits both start from their respective headlands and converge towards the centre of the bay. 27. Thus results from passive avoidance and imprinting might begin to converge, which should be good news for both labs. 28. Whenever famine strikes, Western public and private relief agencies converge upon it with cargo planes, helicopters and land cruisers. 29. The systems would only be effective if they were planned to converge towards an integrated system. 3. 30. Ley lines - channels of energy or guide routes for prehistoric travellers - are said to converge at the Tor.