快好知 kuaihz

241. The wind was still rising, approach-ing a force nine gale. 242. A sudden shift in the wind warned of the coming storm. 243. Power can be fed from wind generators into the electricity grid system. 244. The wind was bouncing the branches of the big oak trees. 245. Anyone who could climb all these stairs was sound enough in wind and limb. 246. Finding a second wind, he rode away from his pursuers. 247. Wind turbines are large and noisy and they disfigure the landscape. 248. Like "Gone With The Wind" it's an unashamed epic romance. 249. In this cold wind you'd be wise to bundle up well. 250. The wind from the car's motion whipped her hair around her head. 251. An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer. 252. A gust of wind dispersed the smoke from the stove. 253. It protects against environmental hazards such as wind and sun. 254. If a stranger stops you, just wind the window down a fraction.