rigorous造句61. The arrangements announced yesterday to ease the introduction of the poll tax are symptomatic of a less rigorous approach.
62. Admissions criteria were rigorous, and included a personal interview as well as a three-month battery of tests.
63. Todorov's analysis of the Decameron tales is based on a very rigorous and literal use of linguistic categories.
64. To tamper with serfdom was certain to arouse wild expectations among the peasantry and would require the most rigorous control.
65. What counts is the emotive visual appeal to feelings or fears and not the logical appeal to abstract rigorous thought.
66. Some three-hour kindergarten programs can offer a lot of rigorous teaching and learning.
67. After you've waited three hours in line, the rigorous, fine-tuned serious art counts for little.
68. The dietary control of plasma phenylalanine concentrations requires rigorous restriction of natural protein intake, often to less than 6 g per day.
69. I was wrong, he said, to think that the Black Studies Department had abandoned rigorous standards.
70. But not one of these discoveries has been verified to the satisfaction of rigorous investigators.
71. A more rigorous refereeing system or the restriction of scholarship to limited types may be introduced.
72. When he returned to Liverpool as manager, he introduced a more rigorous fitness regime.
73. The entrance tests for people wishing to enter the diplomatic service are particularly rigorous.
74. Staff are required to complete a rigorous induction, with training in handling emergency situations.
75. Improved diet is the best mode of attack but rigorous skincare is also essential.
76. When mid-table apathy sets in, I force him to undertake a rigorous training session which I, naturally, oversee.
77. Cowles developed an ecological approach within an academic framework that stressed rigorous pure research.
78. It should be robust enough to stand up to the most rigorous testing from the appraisal panel.
79. The crucial issue is proof the standard treatments have been subjected to rigorous examination to check that they are effective.
80. Every week we carry out around 15,000 rigorous tests on water samples.
81. Rigorous control procedures established that it was neither an artefact of nutritional compromise nor of preoperative bowel preparatory protocols.
82. Also, the approach has provided few concrete predictions or hypotheses that are subject to rigorous empirical measurement and testing.
83. The new government immediately announced a rigorous cost-cutting programme, claiming that the financial position was catastrophic.
84. The teams have been on a rigorous training schedule for the hundred mile long test of skill and stamina.
85. ProTech students were taking more rigorous mathematics and science courses than their peers, although their grades were not substantially better.
86. In lower panel vanishing point clear and perspective of each element rigorous.
87. A rigorous refereeing procedure means that only top quality papers are published.
88. What animals are capable of discriminating between has been subjected to rigorous experimental study for many decades.
89. The process entails interviews with equal opportunities officers, and rigorous questioning of his own beliefs.
90. As yet, however, no rigorous taxonomy of text types is available, let alone describable in terms of typical linguistic features.