trivial造句121 Those on the market at the moment are so trivial it is untrue.
122 Such trivial pursuits, he said, were never likely to end in a decent job.
123 When I worked in the pharmaceutical industry, trivial naming was taken to an extreme.
124 Please do not omit any details, however trivial they may seem.
125 People in them feel liberated from the trivial and the arbitrary.
126 Some 200-plus pages of charts, tables and maps contain a wealth of information from vital data to the trivial and inconsequential.
127 Interest in food, in warmth, in punishment, soon outstripped a matter as trivial as a fire.
128 This is rather a trivial example: if teeth were the only problem, senescence could be cured by false teeth.
129 Morphological processing is not quite so trivial for a computer as it is for a human.
130 This may seem meaningless to non-churchgoers and trivial to churchgoers since it is part of the Athanasian Creed recited every Sunday.
131 A further difficulty is that it would apparently require us to put enormous resources towards trivial increases in length of life.
132 At the very least, it would mean that the real issues are debated rather than the trivial detail of statistics and history.
133 The language diversity of its 800 million people makes the communications problems of most other countries seem trivial by comparison.
134 For the very rich, the tax will be so trivial as to be unnoticed.
135 They may consider them too trivial or feel that the police would be able to offer little assistance.
136 If you enjoy games, why not compile a list of objective test questions to use in Trivial Pursuits?
137 I should say that these errors have all been without exception quite trivial in themselves.
138 She never made mention of her constant realignment of interests in any of her occasional letters, periodic updates of the trivial.
139 Let me give a trivial but I hope interesting example from my own experience.
140 The more wonderful the means of communication, the more trivial, tawdry, or depressing its contents seemed to be.
141 Whether unfudgeability is a new principle is a relatively trivial point.
142 And race difference is, among all the differences which have been used to justify oppression, probably the most trivial.
143 A time deposit is less liquid since the cost of redeeming it before maturity is not trivial. 10.
144 They are convicted of physical harm or damage infrequently and they are in general petty and trivial offenders.
145 Consequently the chants seldom seem banal or trivial, in spite of being repeated over and over again.
146 No, I don't think your question is trivial at all.
147 There was no satisfactory method of dealing with trivial complaints.
148 Tom Butler disdained to reply to such a trivial question.
149 The offences committed by such people are at times of a rather bizarre nature and may be trivial or serious.
150 Neither the provision of contemporary hardware or a functional equivalent is trivial.