快好知 kuaihz

(181) There was no air conditioning, just a ceiling fan turning slowly. (182) This proved to be the turning point of the game. (183) Insects smell by turning their antennae to scents in the air. (184) We didn't reckon for the weather turning bad so suddenly. (185) Her latest novel marks a turning point in her development as a writer. (186) The project must go ahead; there can be no turning back. (187) At that moment he heard Gill's key turning in the lock of the door. (188) Once the charcoal is glowing, place the food on the grill, turning it regularly. (189) He kept turning the idea of resigning over in his mind. (190) She offended them by turning down their offer of friendship. (191) Turning the corner the sun blinded me, so I didn't see the other car. (192) I couldn't sleep but kept tossing and turning in bed all night. (193) He wanted to land his plane when the left engine of the plane stayed turning. (194) The tide of public opinion seems to be turning at last. (195) Italy versus Japan is turning out to be a surprisingly well matched competition. (196) It was too dark to read our map and we took a wrong turning. (197) After twisting and turning for a while, he managed to wriggle free. (198) They may succeed in turning a little local difficulty into a full-blown regional conflagration. (199) She reacted to the insult by turning her back on him. (200) Even when she didn't say anything you could see her turning things over in her mind. (201) Teachers are turning a blind eye to pupils smoking at school, a report reveals today. (202) Only the skill of the goalkeeper prevented the match from turning into a rout. (203) He had some cockamamie idea about turning waste paper into animal food. (204) I'm in the habit of turning back the corner of the page to mark my place. (205) I went around the apartment turning off lights. (206) The election is not due until next April, but the battle is already turning hot. (207) Emily was turning over their labels, to the accompaniment of Mr Zamoyski's hammering from the back room. (208) I should like to make a couple of points about the Bill's two substantive provisions before turning to its hidden agenda. (209) Ever so gradually Milton had to admit that this whole thing was turning out all right. (210) Astronomers had accidentally caught a comet in the act of turning into an asteroid.