cold war造句 181. NARRATOR: The world was divided. The Cold War had begun. 182. Obviously, there is a cabal, a cold war against Chian! 183. The US was driven by Cold War concerns about the spread of communism, particularly "domino theory" ?the idea that if one Asian nation fell to the leftist ideology, others would quickly follow. 184. Admittedly, during the Cold War this vision was confined to “half the world” only, as Secretary of State Dean Acheson subsequently wrote.英文造句in collaborationstand-ininstitute toshort breakholiday resorteclecticallyretrusionbusiness relationshiproll in the hayboldfacedcoconut milkcounterespionagealgebraicallytomato juicepersuaderchocolate milkreturn on assetssaved upleave without paybuggedco-bandingdribs and drabslimessoon enoughface maskdolcarambolaheavy load