charged造句(151) He was charged with causing a public nuisance.
(152) They charged Brown for that broken window.
(153) The committee has been charged with the development of sport in the region.
(154) He is charged with several misdemeanour, including driving without a valid licence and creating a disturbance.
(155) Electrons are negatively charged with electricity, protons are positively charged.
(156) He is charged with possession of a gun with intent to commit a robbery.
(157) Wallace was charged with causing an affray at a Southampton nightclub.
(158) Buses charged a standard fare of about 20 pence per mile.
(159) Those young men were charged by the police with causing a disturbance in the neighbourhood.
(160) They charged us three times, and each time we threw them back with hand-grenades.
(161) He was charged with contempt of court after shouting at a witness.
(162) He was arrested and charged with breach of the peace.
(163) She was charged on the supposition that she had colluded with her husband in the murders.
(164) Fees are charged at a flat rate, rather than on a percentage basis.
(165) The two women stand charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice.
(166) The shaver can be charged up and used when travelling.
(167) Seven of the fishermen have been formally charged with piracy.
(168) He was brought up before a magistrate, charged with dangerous driving.
(169) The fee charged by the realtor is directly proportional to the price of the property.
(170) Fisher was behind bars last night, charged with attempted murder.
(171) A man has been charged in connection with the attack.
(172) His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged when he was charged with libel.
(173) They hammered in the door and then charged into the room.
(174) The Spanish Inquisition charged him with sinning against God and man.
(175) He was charged with having information likely to be of use to terrorists.
(176) Calls are charged at the premium rate of 60p per minute.
(177) She was charged with obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duty.
(178) The paper charged her with using the company's money for her own purposes.
(179) I'm not going there again they charged 1 for a cup of coffee!
(180) The bull charged out into the sunlight of the arena.