快好知 kuaihz

61, Allow the cake to cool thoroughly before removing it from the tin. 62, The tin case dented when it was dropped on the floor. 63, Line the base and sides of a 20cm deep round cake tin with paper. 64, I can't make the cover of the tin fit on. 65, Every bus arrives and leaves packed as fully as a sardine tin. 66, Pour the mixture into the cake tin and bake for 45 minutes. 67, I've found a tin of beans. So far so good, but where is the opener? 68, She put on some overalls and got out a tin of paint. 69, Which end of the tin of beans has the opening? 70, She'd cut a jagged hole in the tin, bending a knife in the process. 71, Pour into a 7in round cake tin. 2. 72, Tin ton Avenue was like a posse social club. 73, She watched Victorine grease the cake tin. 74, This tin - opener is awfully fiddly. 75, Then it just shot bullets at a tin can. 76, Leave to cool in the tin. 77, The biscuit tin supported the open recipe book. 78, It was a small, battered tin money-box. 79, The driver counts the coins into his tin. 80, As Martinez slid backwards on the tin we all let out our own cries of terror. 81, He recalls building himself private altars of chocolate wrappers and tin cans. 82, How about coal, roaring down a tin chute and into a basement bin? 83, Less than half an hour later she cleaned the brush in white spirit and pressed the lid of the tin noiselessly down. 84, We used a tin of powder, a damp cloth and plenty of energy. 85, Member States refused to meet the claims of the many and various creditors, third parties to the International Tin Agreement. 86, Richard was having a panic attack on Fifth Avenue, clutching a lamppost with arms that bulged like tin drums. 87, At first their station buildings were primitive affairs, no more than clearings in the bush with tin huts. 88, The verandah is long and overgrown with climbing plants, which are wrapped around the varnished poles that support the tin roof. 89, It looked like a condemned storefront, planks of wood everywhere, but through the corrugated tin door was a party. 90, Taxation Tin the circular flow has been interpreted as income taxation and is the difference between gross and disposable income.