vicious造句(241) All guests stopped laughing and singing when they noticed that the dark-colored and vicious fairy had stood by the side of the King's daughter.
(242) The widespread of pirated books, pseudograph and books that caused misleading nowadays have made vicious impact on the mental health of readers.
(243) China's online games industry appears to be trapped in a culture indifferent to the vicious cycle.
(244) Deinonychosaurs, such as the velociraptor, walked on two legs, ate meat and had vicious retractable claws.
(245) The competition can get vicious, says Adam Pack, a marine mammal biologist and psychologist at the University of Hawaii, Hilo.
(246) His official wife is vicious, and always treats her servants high-handedly.
(247) Thanks to Kevin and Dug they flee the dirigible and escape Muntz's pack of vicious dogs, led by Alpha, but Kevin is injured.
(248) Be careful the mule is a vicious beast, not safe abaft the beam.
(249) That second night, Sid Vicious chucked a bottle at the stage.
(250) Mothers, wives, and daughters have been threatened with acid in the face, or honor-killing, or vicious beating, if they do not adopt the humiliating outer clothing that is mandated by their menfolk.
(251) One water buffalo myth conjures up an image of wild and vicious animals.
(252) Benigh competition between enterprises promote the harmony of market and is the modulator driver for the development of market economy, but vicious competition is opposite.
(253) The physical violence can lead to a vicious circle of conflict.
(254) So the image of the US benefited from being perceived as less vicious than the Brits.
(255) Numerous vicious cycle of anxiety attack , sorrowful weeping, exhaust and helplessness, I sensed that my mind is slipping into a down-ward spiral, falling toward a bottomless abyss of depression.
(256) At present, regional poverty and ecological degradation form a vicious circle.
(257) Treating IT as if it were a separate corporate entity sets up a vicious cycle.
(258) Even before the latest talks began, China launched a vicious verbal attack on the Dalai Lama this week, denouncing him as a " flunky " and "the main manipulator" of violence in Tibet.
(259) Deflation can lead to a vicious spiral of business closures, layoffs and more of the same.
(260) The rise in inequality is the product of a vicious spiral: the rich rent-seekers use their wealth to shape legislation in order to protect and increase their wealth – and their influence.
(261) In the south, however, "the vicious circle of drugs funding terrorism and terrorism supporting drug lords is stronger than ever" with increased opium poppy cultivation in five provinces, he said.
(262) Small and vicious, many worry that if these beings were to band together in large numbers, they might easily overthrow some of the smaller cities in the region.
(263) The judge shall dismiss from the ring any shy or vicious Doberman.
(264) Should Ireland fall, concerns about Portugal and probably Spain could rise, creating a vicious spiral that could drag the euro zone into another deep crisis with global implications.
(265) A jaguar and a caiman battle in the pantanal region of brazil. eventually the big cat defeated the reptile in the vicious encounter, which was captured on camera by french photographer patrick fagot.
(266) A pack which drops below a critical size becomes caught in a vicious circle, says Courchamp, who is now at Paris –Sud University.
(267) It introduces the tourism development mode "vicious circle" in Venice as a tool for analysis. Then it makes a comparative study on tourism development mode in his- toric towns Venice and Lijiang.