favour造句61. I'll ask Jane. She owes me a favour.
62. Both members are whole-heartedly in favour of the changes.
63. Wordsworth rejected poetic diction in favour of ordinary language.
64. The treaty seems to favour the US.
65. A teacher should not favour any of his pupils.
66. The chairman gave his casting vote in favour.
67. Cheques should be written in favour of Oxfam.
68. The decision went in his favour.
69. The recipes rapidly found favour with restaurant owners.
70. Hospital workers voted in favour of strike action .
71. Those present were in favour of a change.
72. The evidence weighs in her favour.
73. Market dynamics are working in the company's favour.
74. There were 247 votes in favour and 152 against.
75. He urgently begged a favour of me.
76. They favour our programme with a large contribution.
77. The court decided in his favour.
78. Could I ask you a favour?
79. Those present were in favour of change.
80. They argued in favour of stricter punishments.
81. Voters came down firmly in favour of reform.
82. Will you do me a favour?
83. We strongly favour reform of the system.
84. She's not in favour with the media just now.
85. He argued in favour of her.
86. Personally speaking/Speakingpersonally, I'm in favour of the scheme.
87. Of the two possible plans I favour the first.
88. This predetermined me in his favour.
89. She renounced Islam for / in favour of Christianity.
90. The court found in her favour.