academy造句61. Raeburn House A pleasant bar in a fine old house overlooking the Academy ground.
62. The case started late last week after a routine upgrade of Naval Academy computer equipment in the security office.
63. Recent incidents include £2 million fire damage to Bellahouston Academy in Glasgow.
64. About 200 students in grades 9-12 signed up for the academy for the following school year.
65. On the front of his red and white pullover sweater were the words Terrence Academy.
66. In the recent work of the global anglophone academy, evaluative criticism has largely disappeared.
67. What is everywhere assumed, if not always made explicit, is that literary judgement has no place in the academy.
68. Like the services themselves, the Naval Academy has a strong culture which in some respects is overtly hostile to women.
68. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday!
69. Congress got in the act in the following years, lending the academy $ 255, 000 to expand the dairy.
70. He had just missed being elected a member of this Academy by a single vote.
71. Last night Phil Donahue was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award, by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.
72. But the government is unlikely to press ahead with what the Academy has disavowed.
73. The major deficiency in the Academy plan is the assumption that science suffers from the end of the Cold War.
74. Last month he received a one-week scholarship to the internationally prestigious Bollettieri Academy in Bradenton, Fla.
75. Verily, the Academy is a raging inferno of inertia and glazed expressions.
76. All were distinguished members of the Royal Academy and all three have died within the past year.
77. She was allowed to leave the academy for Texas on her own.
78. Father spoke Cantonese because Taoping Academy, although in the north, had been strongly influenced by Kwangtung men.
79. The findings were published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
80. Maybe the academy membership took its cues from the small panel that decided the nominees in the top four categories.
81. However, several students educated at the Academy made important discoveries in mathematical science, both pure and applied.
82. The break between the Alley company and the academy was formally announced the following month, in July.
83. The Senator's visit to the Military Academy at Andover was a great success.
84. They all went to the same military academy and they were all in the same class.
85. One career academy that had fewer problems arranging work experiences for students was the Health Academy.
86. However, now that we have gained some sort of place within the academy, another possibility suggests itself.
87. The Academy has this quirk about a plebe having to pass orals before proceeding.
88. Charles R.. Larson, the academy superintendent who ordered the court-martial, the midshipman will serve 60 days.
89. His parents enrolled him in a military academy when he was only 8.
90. In 1894 he became teacher of singing at the Royal Academy of Music, and many famous singers were his pupils.