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31. The reading of Scripture, preaching and prayers can take place in a variety of idioms, depending upon the circumstances. 32. This liberal approach to Scripture is dealt with more fully in a later chapter. 33. To read the Bible as scripture is to interpret it-and to interpret the world and oneself at the same time. 34. Of course they're going to find in Scripture the sexist views which conform to their own narrow-minded view of the world. 35. Like bread, it is mentioned frequently in sacred scripture and tradition. 36. But there is never a suggestion in Scripture that economic justice implies economic equality. 37. What she experienced in her abusive marriage eventually forced her to re-examine Scripture concerning the sanctity of marriage and personhood. 38. These four ways of understanding Scripture permeated medieval habits of reading and writing. 39. I find my listening springs best out of reading a few verses from Scripture. 40. A popular misconception holds that the authority of scripture renders interpretation unnecessary. 41. To endorse one-dimensional submission is to reject the whole counsel of Scripture. 42. There were already rumors that the new astronomy was incompatible with Scripture, and he had already been denounced from the pulpit. 43. It requires that we critically examine a beliefs rooted in our understanding of Scripture that previously seemed so clear. 44. Neither of these options holds much promise for reading the Bible as scripture. 44.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 45. They invoked Hindu scripture to justify their position. 46. Mary had her Magnificat,which sounds like scripture. 47. Holy Scripture is God's witness to Himself. 48. Property companies: foreign monk good recite and chant scripture? 49. Many passages in Scripture allude to this concept . 50. What makes up Scripture the 27 the New Testament. 51. The first presupposition concerns the nature of Scripture. 52. He reads the Holy Scripture everyday. 53. Scripture: "For to be carnally minded is death;" 54. And so he interprets allegorically to say scripture. 55. The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. 56. Yes, this theory is found in a recorded scripture. 57. Scripture: "And I will for this afflict the seed of David, but not for ever"(1 Kings 11:39). 58. So, the fact was that, as we see it today, both the Reformers and the Roman Church accepted the authority of Scripture, and that both of them, in fact, had their own sets of interpretations. 59. The parisian look forward to dinner as a mississippian looks forward to his evening necking of the scripture. 60. WE AFFIRM that Scripture in its entirety is inerrant, being free from all falsehood, fraud, or deceit.