快好知 kuaihz

121. Landlord John Gardner painted the front of the listed building without getting planning permission first. 122. Accordingly, it may at first sight seem advantageous to a landlord to grant such a tenancy. 123. In the case of an underlease there should also be excluded rents and outgoings payable by the landlord under its own lease. 124. Read in studio A pub landlord has been attacked with a knife and locked in his own cellar during a robbery. 125. Some tenants prefer, however, to seek to obtain from the landlord a covenant not to waive the exemption. 126. The insurance is normally placed with a well known national insurance company or a company approved by the landlord. 127. A landlord brought an action against persons who were alleged to be squatters. 128. Usually it is the landlord who initiates the review and the tenant who is obliged to serve the counternotice. 129. While he was pouring the drinks Ron the landlord raised his eyebrows at me. 130. The surety covenant is given as a support or buttress to covenants given by a tenant to a landlord. 131. If the landlord proves the stronger, the draftsman should make provision for the assessment of rent for empty property. 132. Our landlord appeared quite unabashed chasing his goat out of the flower beds. 133. To pay his landlord another £200 he borrowed £100 and paid £22 10s for the favour. 134. Within a day or so the goods had been divided between the landlord and Mahmoud and removed from the premises. 135. This is probably the most satisfactory method for the landlord since the regularity of his cash flow will be maintained. 136. The tenant filed a claim against the landlord to recover his losses. 137. The rent as from 25 March 1987, the final review date, was agreed between the landlord and Mr. Mahmoud at £12,600. 138. Some observers worry that the role of landlord will detract from the primary business of five-star hotels. 139. When a landlord has enticed a female on to his patch, the rivals dash in and emit semen. 140. The landlord had not renewed Elgaen's lease, and he couldn't find a favorable north-end location in time. 141. This enables the landlord to seek forfeiture against any occupier of the leased premises. 141.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 142. The landlord may be justified in charging for any additional work that needs to be done. 143. This covenant for quiet enjoyment will be followed by other covenants by the Landlord especially the covenant to repair 4. 144. We run a management service which is essential for the absentee landlord. 145. Polly's landlord claimed that Polly lived in a studio-style maisonette and had set the rent accordingly. 146. This society seemed self-contained; those who felt exploited could easily identify the enemy - the landlord or money lender. 147. The past 30 years has seen a continuation of the break-up of the old landlord and tenant system. 148. Formerly landlord of the eponymous Comedian pub at Sunniside, the ever-buoyant Bob has gone downhill to Crook. 149. This may well be resisted by the landlord on the basis that the risk of unlet property should fall on the tenant. 150. Nor was government aid to the landlord restricted to armed assistance.