快好知 kuaihz

(31) The etymological closeness of the Sanskrit and English words is striking. (32) Hindus revere them as a symbol of the monkey deity Hanuman, whose simian army helped rescue Sita, the god Rama's wife, from a demon king, according to a Sanskrit epic. (33) Sanskrit verses used in the Vedic sacrifice are known as mantras. (34) Sanskrit mantra is a mystical energy encased in a sound structure. (35) Sanskrit forms are given in the sections that deal with Buddhists whose primary focus was on Sanskritic traditions. (36) Classical Sanskrit can therefore be considered a seamless evolution of the earlier Vedic language. (37) According to Buddhist tradition there are two kinds of action - skilful (Sanskrit Kausalya, Pali kusala) and unskilful(Sanskrit akausalya, Pali akusala). (38) "Bu Tala" is the sound transliteration of ancient Indian Sanskrit, meaning "the holy land of Buddhism". (39) The classic Sanskrit literature flourished on the basis of the Vedic and Epic literature. (40) There is evidence of the existence of some Hinayana Buddhism of the Sanskrit canon. (41) Indian grammarian. His Ashtadhyayi, one of the first works of descriptive linguistics[http://], presents grammatical rules for Sanskrit. (42) The so-called Mandala, is named "mandara" in Sanskrit, which literally means concentrically encircling. (43) Tarati ( Sanskrit, meaning through ) is a step towards rewriting cell phone history. (44) The literary and official language of northern India that is based on these dialects. It is written in Devanagari and uses Sanskrit as a resource language. (45) Most polysyllabic words in the vocabulary have been borrowed, mainly from Khmer, Pali and Sanskrit. (46) According to Bhavishya Purana and other texts, they were invited to settle in Punjab to conduct the worship of Lord Sun ( Mitra or Surya in Sanskrit). (47) This scripture was written in Sanskrit and is very hard to understand. (48) There has also been reciprocal influence between Sanskrit and the Dravidian languages. (49) The Sanskrit saga Lalitavistara gives an account of Gautama Buddha, who is asked at one point to name all of the numbers up to those with 421 zeros. (50) I am studying Sanskrit under a professor, but really I am only reading scriptures. I am in search of self-realisation and I came to get the needed guidance. Kindly tell me what am I to do? (51) It was similarly the great achievement of people of Nepal to have preserved the equally valuable original Sanskrit texts of Mahayana buddhism. (52) Here Sanskrit is instructive precisely because it has preserved all the Indo - Europeans's features. (53) They gave the atom its sanskrit name " Anu " (54) The English word "brother, " for example, translates as bhrater in Sanskrit, brathir in Old Irish, frater in Latin, and phrater in Greek. (55) The original sacred texts are Veda, mostly written in Sanskrit, the language of the Aryan invaders.