快好知 kuaihz

151. It was difficult to clamber the mountain. 152. Putuo Mountain lies to the east of Zhoushan Archipelago. 153. Or climb the highest mountain Annapurna. 154. This mountain road leads to the copper mine. 155. Chad: So is a mountain lion. You do not pet it. 156. Can you cool down the Flame Mountain with the fan for me? 157. Study on Physico - chemical Property and Health Index of Forest Soil on Badaling Mountain in Beijing. 158. She picked up a clod of earth on the mountain, and insisted it was a treasure. 159. Hermits colonised this mountain about 1500 years ago but there's only one hermit there atmoment. 160. In the Alps and Apennines mountain ski resort to enjoy the pleasure of the driving range. 161. Denver, Colorado, became a one - newspaper city a few weeks ago : the Rocky Mountain News closed. 162. The next day, local newspapers reported: Fu - hu mountain Canhuo occurred yesterday, the CMB down a cliff. 163. Amanita verna which could produce laccase was isolated from 9 fungi gathered on the Majia mountain. 164. The two main mountain ranges in American are the Appalachian mountains and the Rocky mountains. 165. The Tonglu Mountain Copper Mine used an elaborate system of timbering support the working areas. 166. Skiers take the chair lift up the mountain at the Swiss mountain resort of Davos. 167. Rocky Mountains and the Columbia Mountains ( the Coast Mountains ) are two mountain ranges in Canada. 168. Antarctic continent has mountain ranges similar in size to the European Alps. 169. April 14,2006 Yulong lijiang, Yunan. Fire were spreading in the mountain forests. 169. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 170. Israeli projects to abstract water from the shared Mountain Aquifer are notpresented to the JWC. 171. There are 15 villas, total 228 suites with deluxe view of mountain and ocean commodious balcony. 172. According to research altitude of more than 3,000 meters often cause altitude sickness in mountain climbers. 173. Its name is Ben Alder , it is a wild , desert mountain full of hills and hollows. 174. Habitats in tropical and subtropical mountain forest, coniferous forest, forest edge grass, bamboo forest or savanna. 175. While one climbs a mountain the other can chill out on a beach. 176. Cross the mountain in front of us, and you will reach the county town.