suffering造句121. She was taken to hospital, suffering from pneumonia.
122. The city is suffering a plague of rats.
123. He is suffering from a strained thigh muscle.
124. 30 families are suffering 'cause they're out of work.
125. US forces withdrew after suffering heavy losses .
126. She seemed to take pleasure in our suffering.
127. The business is still suffering from growing pains.
128. He is suffering an emotional disturbance.
129. The country is still suffering from deep-seated economic problems.
130. He died after suffering a cardiac arrest .
131. I'm suffering from a bad back.
132. Many students are suffering severe financial hardship .
133. He died after suffering a severe asthma attack .
134. All the time I was blind to your suffering.
135. I was suffering with a bout of nerves.
136. The war caused an unconscionable amount of suffering.
137. Staff say he is suffering from exhaustion.
138. The suffering is inadvertent and unwanted.
139. The explorers had to undergo much suffering.
140. He was suffering from a brain tumour.
141. The climbers were all suffering from frostbite.
142. Britain is suffering an epidemic of petty crime.
143. He is suffering from a virus infection.
144. He's been suffering various aches and pains for years.
145. He was eventually diagnosed as suffering from terminal cancer.
146. He's suffering from severe mental disorder.
147. Mary's suffering from ill health at the moment.
148. 'Could he be suffering from amnesia?' I suggested.
149. The sight of physical suffering always upsets me.
150. She's suffering a lot of pain.