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61. The one-time gain reflected a drop in financing costs after the conversion of 836 million francs in convertible bonds. 62. There is still no mobile phone system, no credit cards and no convertible currency. 63. Drago Accommodation 261 rooms with bath/shower, terrace, kitchenette and lounge with convertible sofa. 64. The fourth car just gives you the choice whether you will go there in the sedan or the convertible. 65. Accommodation 145 apartments with bathroom, terrace, kitchenette and living rooms with convertible divan. 66. Preferred stock is often convertible into common stock at a specified exchange rate, or conversion ratio, of common for preferred. 67. The world's major currencies are all convertible into other currencies on demand by residents and non-residents of those countries. 68. You could be the lucky winner of a free course of pectoral pump treatments, or a brand new Cadillac convertible. 69. Under present practice convertible debt is usually reported as a liability. 70. The supply of potentially convertible properties is increasing with manufacturing decline, restructuring of the office market and changes in retail patterns. 71. This is a convertible wall and can come down when the family wishes to entertain. 72. My financial advisor suggested we invest in convertible preferred stock. 73. He has argued for the introduction of a convertible currency parallel to the existing non-convertible rouble. 74. All currencies came to be expressed in terms of the dollar, and the dollar was officially convertible into gold at a fixed price. 75. I miss the convertible with white leather interior I once owned. 76. This table is convertible into an ironing board. 77. Yano's whole money supply is convertible into gold. 78. POD is a flexible structure made of convertible elements. 79. Debt comprises convertible notes as detailed in notes 20. 80. Debt comprises total bank borrowings and convertible notes. 81. Currency exchange currency trading is generally freely convertible currencies. 82. Potential energy is convertible to kinetic energy. 83. Convertible collar with throat latch; double-breasted button front. 84. The Hong Kong dollar shall be freely convertible. 85. Convertible bond conversion price of 1.11 Hong Kong dollar. 86. Stock is convertible into cash or other negotiable securities. 87. The shares are convertible into common shares. 88. That should have spelled the end of the convertible, except for one thing: The open car with its sun-baked, wind-blown passengers became a symbol of youth, freedom, and sexuality. 89. In the venture capital market of USA, arrangement of convertible preferential stock and staggered investment forms the core of financial affairs governance structure. 90. The fourth chapter puts more attentions on question of developing zero coupon repurchase convertible bond.