aristocracy造句31 Members of the high aristocracy took turns to rule Normandy, with mixed success.
32 Under a false identity, he's living it up in Florence, dining out with the aristocracy.
33 Therefore, the monastic reforms should be regarded at least as much in the light of co-operation as of combat between king and aristocracy.
34 Here too wealth and power were concentrated in the hands of the magistracy, the clergy and the landed aristocracy.
35 Perhaps the main problem for these Marxist writers is the aristocracy of labour in the advanced industrial countries.
36 In feudal society, a superior status was accorded to the land-owning aristocracy and gentry.
37 The Piedmontese aristocracy enjoyed an unchallenged ascendancy within the state, providing most of the personnel for the government.
38 This alliance of the monarchs with the army and the landed aristocracy lasted into the twentieth century.
39 Veronica's father was Lord Somebody-or-other, she reminded herself, and didn't the aristocracy go in for rather grand affairs?
40 The old Lombard aristocracy was gradually crumbling away except in the far north and the distant south.
41 With rare exceptions, they were nominated essentially by the local aristocracy, particularly by the Duke of Newcastle.
42 His journey took him through Austrasia, where he was hospitably received by members of the aristocracy.
43 Through these people, we find that links between deaf people and Royalty and the Aristocracy were quite strong.
44 The hidebound attitudes of Russia's powerful aristocracy made any kind of progress impossible.
45 The aristocracy of this period has been castigated for its naked self-interest and expediency.
46 Farming became a fashionable occupation among the aristocracy, who had enough influence in Parliament to pass through Bills of Enclosure.
47 There were a number of such privileged gatehouse stations to the aristocracy.
48 They relied heavily on the readiness of the local aristocracy and gentry to go along with them.
49 But the aristocracy of Savoy nevertheless remained a powerful class, enjoying unchallenged supremacy within the duchy.
50 However, an expert on the aristocracy says Jamie Blandford's antics are adding fuel to the Republican cause.
51 Far more important, however, has been the merging of the new bourgeoisie with the traditional aristocracy.
52 The aristocracy may not have done as well out of the change as its authors planned.
53 On the one hand they resented the entrenched power of the landed aristocracy.
54 His conception of the aristocracy was an exalted one; so was his conception of empire.
55 Sons of the Roman aristocracy, eager to pursue careers in the curia found their way early on to the Paris schools.
56 Eberhard and Conrad, leading members of that aristocracy, had each acquired landed interests in more than one of the regna.
57 It felt as though the whole local aristocracy was towering over him.
58 The Gaels were a military and oppressive aristocracy.
59 Why should he object to marrying into our aristocracy?
60 The tyranny of a scoundrelly aristocracy.