polite造句91. He's a man of few words, very polite and unassuming.
92. I know Ian said he liked her singing, but he was only being polite .
93. If people were more polite, they would wait their turn.
94. We left the party as soon as it was polite to do so.
95. It's polite to yield up your seat on the bus to an old lady.
96. I know you don't like her, but please make an effort to be polite.
97. 'Bum' is not a word we use in polite company.
98. It's not polite to point or talk about strangers in public.
99. I'm polite to his ex-wife when I meet her, but I'm damned if I'm going to invite her round for dinner.
100. While they ate, they made polite conversation about the weather.
101. I think English men are very polite and very correct.
102. It's not polite to stare at a girl in the face.
103. He was quite polite,[http:///polite.html] but he wasn't ready to help me.
104. The letter was brief, and couched in very polite terms.
105. He was very polite but effectively he was telling me that I had no chance of getting the job.
106. Polite but lukewarm reviews are the kiss of death for a commercial film.
107. Gately, a quiet and very polite young man, made a favourable impression.
108. Like all elderly ladies, however, she needs polite attention.
109. It's the polite way of showing you the door.
110. That's a polite way of putting it, isn't it?
111. He has been polite to Paul all along.
112. The picture adorned Oz's cover, and outraged polite society.
113. He seems polite, and notably respectful of older women.
114. Polite letters of complaint get you nowhere.
115. We made polite, stilted conversation.
116. They were very polite, but also very embarrassed.
117. They are uniformly polite, chatty and cheerful with visitors.
118. The waiter was polite and efficient, but not obsequious.
119. They were very polite, I must confess.
120. I stumbled off to polite applause.