rein造句151. Want to was had this ato'clock only, we still invest gladly,'t rein in our footstep.
152. We will have to keep a tight rein on expenditure in the next few month.
153. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
154. Calligraphy can gallop without the rein of brush and ink, it might be hiding inside the wooden grain or the wave of hair, or the scratch of prick on sand, or the watermark dripping from the roof.
155. Clothing sales in Shanghai, too, are flat , Mr Rein says.
156. Do you think it advisable for parents to give free rein to their teenage children so as to develop their individuality?
157. The soldiers, having sacked the village, gave loose rein to their passion for plunder.
158. You may give free rein to your imaginations when admiring a mass of such colors: pink clouds in the horizon, a vast, open country, a long-gone history, or memory of your last intoxication.
159. Often, it seems too risky to give free rein to the investigation and commemoration of the past.
160. Granma said the stiff taxes will increase government revenues and help achieve their "adequate redistribution," but skeptics fear they show the state will keep a tight rein on the new businesses.
161. Then he tugged at his rein in the moonlight, and galloped away to the west.
162. Up until that point , the driver can give their sporting ambitions free rein.
163. Chongqing administration must give free rein to self regional advantage and economic advantage and follow correct regional economic development direction to build economic cent...