快好知 kuaihz

241. I invented a new can opener that was a hot number in the stores. 242. Invented the first power dust control sweeper with vacant absorption force. 243. Samuel Morse invented relay stations for telegraphic signals when observing relay stations for horses. 244. The bow seems to have been invented in the late Paleolithic or early Mesolithic periods. 245. During its process of social historical development, the Naxi People invented the unique pictograph and wrote a vast literature of history archives. 246. Archetype is psychological terminology that was originally invented by Cart Gustav Jung. 247. When Johannes Gutenberg invented printing in the 15th century, he did, indeed, change the world. 248. The garments Otoko Kaoru, invented by a Japanese company, have special rose-scented micro-capsules in the collar which, when they come in contact with the skin, release a (presumably manly) fragrance. 249. ITER is what is known as a tokamak, a doughnut-shaped device invented in Russia at about the same time Zeta was active. 250. The German physicist Gabriel D. Fahrenheit (1686-1736) invented an alcohol thermometer. 251. A conventional thermos isn't good enough, but a Dewar flask, invented in the 19th century, holds cryogenic fluids like liquid nitrogen at temperatures of -196oC (-321oF) for months at a time. 252. Soil as a result of low tide, the Dutch accepted the Gauls invented by the French sabot, and hundreds of years in the history of the Netherlands, given its typical characteristics. 253. The crib seen in Christmas Nativity scenes was invented in 1223 by Saint Francis of Assisi who used it to explain the Christmas story to the local people. 254. This give occasion to happen Religion Crusade in Germany and Martin Luther invented chorale. 255. Man invented writing to specialize, i . e . preserve language. 256. He invented not only the phonograph, but the entire sound recording industry. 257. The game " Rugby " was invented at Rugby School in Warwich shire in the early 19 th century. 258. WE DENY that inerrancy is a doctrine invented by scholastic Protestantism, or is a reactionary position postulated in response to negative higher criticism. 259. In 1995, British fake news show Brass Eye conducted an "investigative report" on a street drug they invented called "cake, " claiming it affected an area of the brain called "Shatner's Bassoon." 260. This is a meaning also in the myth of the ancients, which tells how Athene invented the flute and then threw it away. 261. Punch card tabulating machine invented by Herman Hollerith. Wall Street Journal first published. 262. Langley invented a new device to measure the heat in areas of the sun. 263. A strange answer from the man who invented the psychoanalyst's couch? 264. Sweeney Todd was invented in the 1840s as what they called, "Penny Dreadful, " the kind of Dickens tickler... 265. He invented the ultramicroscope in 1903, and two types of membrane filters in 1918 and 1922. 266. In 1642 Pascal invented a computing machine that handled addition by carrying from units to tens. 267. Her invisibility results from her invented love story with the French lieutenant and her shelter in Rossetti s notorious art studio with the aid of the male narrator, Charles and Doctor Grogan. 268. Alec Jeffreys, the genetics professor who invented DNA fingerprinting in 1984 and went on to help police crack the Pitchfork case, is justifiably proud of his discovery. 269. No mechanical device has ever been invented that can satisfactorily replace teasel flower heads for raising the nap on cloth. 270. Afterwards, had intelligent young people to call Iraq mho Holland too Pu, when gave Egypt the pharaoh to fill left the king designed the grave, has invented one new method of construction.