快好知 kuaihz

121 Management Interface part of the existing library management: delete, view. 122 This utility uses slicing to delete entries in the audit log table; that is, only the specified number of entries are deleted in a series of single transactions. 123 The calculator has a backspace function, that is, a mismatched forward delete. 124 Photo scalable, rotatable, draggable , there are set to wallpaper, delete files. 125 Delete up to the first embedded newline in the pattern space. Start next cycle, but skip reading from the input if there is still data in the pattern space. 126 Click Finish to exit this program or Back to create or delete verifier settings. 127 The SQL DELETE statement enables you to identify (or restrict) the rows you want to delete through a WHERE clause. 128 Delete the start and end node in the editor pane, because input and output criteria (data structures) will be defined explicitly for the process. 129 The OLD TABLE transition table holds the original state of the affected rows before they are processed by the UPDATE or DELETE statement. 130 delete(args) Deletes a directory entry for a specified DN, which is the only supported argument. 131 Please note for this article we do not cover Breakage. You have to, therefore delete the word "Breakage" from the insurance clause in the credit. 132 To remove an NI - DAQmx simulated device , right - click the device and click Delete from the pop - up menu. 132try its best to collect and build good sentences. 133 Most computer programs introduce or delete the dependent variables in a stepwise manner. 134 Google also made a plugin for all the major browsers available that makes sure that Google will continue to respect your opt-out decision even after you delete the cookie. 135 The now - irate patrolman asked me why I wouldn't delete the picture. 136 JDBCOutboundInterface shown in Figure 19 contains two-way operations that allow you to create, update, retrieve, and delete rows from the database. 137 The Windows Calculator allows the Backspace and Delete keys, so you should try them. 138 Also grants read, edit, or delete access to each search rule that a user has read, edit, or delete access to. 139 We may use the SQL DELETE command to delete a record in a table a database. 140 Delete this help topic application support only one document type. 141 Ron Artest doesn't believe in the DELETE button because hes never wrong. 142 Also, for each object UUID specified in the input list, command to delete them from the endpoint is made. 143 When any of these properties are set to true, an Edit, Delete, or Select command button column is added to the grid, respectively. 144 Delete this help topic if your application support only one document type. 145 So, if you slice these things by a vertical plane, or actually even better, a vertical half plane, something to delete one half of the picture. 146 We had asked them to delete him from the communique and crop him from the picture. 147 On the part of the picture information source, we do not assume any responsibility, such as your copyright violations, after receiving the notice, we will be working 5 days to delete! 148 Use this command to remove or delete a file in your directory. 149 You can delete a subgoal from the logical Web services using the sideway of either approach. 150 The system will not let you just delete the payment, this is to ensure a complete transaction record is always kept.