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31. An initial reluctance on the part of Galileo to publicize the Copernican system should not automatically be ascribed to fear of clerical censure. 32. Galileo pleaded ignorance of any such document and promised to produce that signed by Bellarrnine in 1616. 33. The prospect of censure intensified what, for Galileo, was fast becoming a dilemma. 34. The third of these great insights of Galileo was a beginning of an understanding of conservation of energy. 35. Oresme even drew an analogy with what would happen on a moving ship, as Galileo was later to do. 36. Galileo was humiliated in Rome in a manner that has no exact parallel in Protestant countries. 37. Galileo development is initially being funded by vendors - under pressure to win new procurement contracts. 38. After Galileo s stargazing it became increasingly clear that the Earth was just another planet, part of some one else s heavens. 39. In spite of these obvious difficulties, Galileo had designed a special navigation helmet for finding longitude with the Jovian satellites. 40. His writings deeply influenced many later mathematicians and scientists, most notably Galileo and Newton. 41. The Galileo affair illustrates a further difficulty for the apologetic use of history. 42. So Galileo set out to devise a method of considerable precision. 43. Even after he had been summoned to the Holy Office in April 1633, Galileo could still arouse sympathy in high places. 44. Galileo was to read medicine and so be able to earn a living. 45. Galileo was able to outmanoeuvre his rival in the fruitless game of the invention of adhoc devices for the protection of theories. 46. Given his admiration for the scientific achievements of Galileo and Harvey, it is no surprise that Hobbes shares their methodological ideas. 47. If Galileo gets safely off the pad, that will improve the odds considerably. 48. Galileo was mainly concerned with the motion of objects under gravity. 49. Galileo was forced to recant his belief in the Copernican theory. 50. An exasperated Galileo was able to show up the inadequacy of his rival's position in a characteristically witty way. 51. Michelangelo, Gioacchino Rossini, Galileo Galilei. 52. Everybody here knows the story of Galileo Galilei. 53. Galileo departed radically from the Greeks. 54. This space of emplacement was opened up by Galileo. 55. This is Galileo the " technologist. " 56. 1642- astronomer Galileo Galilei died in Italy. 57. Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy,[http:///galileo.html] in 1564. 58. The old view of Galileo was delightfully uncomplicated. 59. The last time a lunar eclipse occurred on the winter solstice, astronomer Galileo Galilei was languishing under house arrest for suggesting the Earth circled the sun. 60. I had heard of the likes of Einstein, Galileo." But, he added that he "didn't have a clue on earth as to what they were all about."