hit below the belt造句 (1) The comments hit below the belt . (2) Some say the ads hit below the belt. (3) Most of the criticism hit below the belt. (4) Their accusations hit below the belt. (5) In boxing it is a foul to hit below the belt intentionally. (6) Mike was upset recently by being hit below the belt. (7) Whichever camp you are in, the same celestial advice will apply - hit below the belt. (8) It is prohibited in the Queensberry Rules of prize - fighting to hit below the belt.英文造句felt tip penpit viperunmountedhard candyBlumnational leaderthetayithe instantbe intimateeconomic tiesstaghornclaw offessential hypertensioncome out strongfibre opticsuratelinear algebraunfavorable positionfavorable positionsizerhaemolysisarch damstress incontinencesingle-breastedset beforeturn-upmajor companyvasopressin