快好知 kuaihz

61. A full bladder can cause much unnecessary discomfort. 62. Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.Pablo Picasso 63. It was totally unnecessary, to begin with. 64. They feel that these systems are expensive and unnecessary, especially since they undermine firms' existing facilities for small orders. 65. The tendency to categorize black sportsmen and women differently from the rest is faintly racist and, I believe, totally unnecessary. 66. This notion of a criterion could be used to show the argument from analogy to be unnecessary. 67. They show that 100,000 unnecessary deaths a year are the result of tobacco consumption. 68. The greybeards made a quite unnecessary fuss about this and I was forced to employ my stout stick. 69. Card holders are guaranteed one ticket per person, per gold cards, and queueing, stresses the club, is unnecessary. 70. Misunderstanding and confusion are rife sometimes causing unnecessary damage or expense, personal injury or even death. 71. The approach enables larger cannulae to be used for easier stone extraction, however, and avoids unnecessary trauma to the liver. 72. The central committee ideology department accused Kharchev of unnecessary interference in the internal affairs of churches and of financial indiscipline. 73. The new laws support yearly renewable consumer choice, and at the same time reduce unnecessary and costly culinary options. 74. It would have been an unnecessary and cruel blow for her to see her old home in its state of decay. 75. And the leisure department is to be ordered on to a tough economy drive, paring back all unnecessary expenditure. 76. But any conscious attempt to disregard this proportionality would inflict unnecessary losses and suffering. 77. Churchhill was said to have a dislike for unnecessary formality. 78. First, it will act as a safeguard against today's widespread and unnecessary breakdown of faith. 79. An unnecessary signal: the radios had been dead since the crash landing. 80. This hypothesis not only flouts accepted biological principles but is unnecessary. 81. However, some work is discretionary, taken on to fulfill ambitions or to purchase unnecessary luxuries. 82. However, the concern was gender-specific, focusing on men and appearing unnecessary or irrelevant for women. 83. He eventually decided against this but did move to take unnecessary letters out of many words. 84. Conservative councillors will cut unnecessary expenditure - and slash your community charge bill. 85. But the convincing portrayal of childhood fantasies, fears and rituals is marred by the unnecessary melodramatic final sequence. 86. Both these features give unnecessary complexity to the termination of the contractual relationship. 87. But some doctors have a history of abusing that trust for profit, prescribing unnecessary and ineffective diet regimes to all comers. 88. He had carried out a deliberate act causing unnecessary suffering and cruelty. 89. The agnostic who doubts the existence of God, and the free thinker who feels that the existence of God is unnecessary and not justified, constitute a majority of non- believers.Dr T.P.Chia 90. The provision has been criticised as unnecessary as most organisers liaised with the police on a voluntary basis.