prohibitive造句1. The cost of land in Tokyo is prohibitive.
2. The cost of private treatment can be prohibitive.
3. The price of property in the city is prohibitive.
4. The cost of repairs would be prohibitive.
5. The cost of property in the city is prohibitive.
6. The government has put a prohibitive tax on foreign goods.
7. And the cost can be prohibitive.
8. The cost of launderettes is prohibitive on a subsistence income - so the washing gets done in the sink.
9. Formal regulation finds expression through technically prohibitive statements of law, backed up by the threat of some sanction consequent upon breach.
10. The cost of uniforms and books was becoming prohibitive and the gang scene was worsening at school.
11. Today the cost seems utterly prohibitive, and Washington and Oregon would probably resist the engineers with tanks.
12. It is cost prohibitive and requires time and patience.
13. The cost of making them by hand is prohibitive.
14. Smoking is prohibitive in process of the cableway.
15. Hotel prices in the major cities are high but not prohibitive.
16. Personally, I was excited at the prospect of participating in a real blood-and-guts battle against a prohibitive odds-on favorite.
17. Especially for a large word list the memory requirements are prohibitive.
18. Snowden, unlike Samuel, was willing to agree in late September to a prohibitive tariff on luxury goods.
19. The cost of renovating the old buildings would be prohibitive.
20. Trade will reduce welfare when transport costs are sufficiently close to prohibitive and increase it when they are sufficiently low.
21. But he was under exclusive contract to Universal, and they wanted a prohibitive amount of money to loan him out.
22. However Haines says that the processor count is unlikely to grow since the overheads become prohibitive.
23. The remainder will need training, services and hand-holding ranging from extensive to nearly prohibitive, she says.
24. That would make the error rate enormous, and the time involved prohibitive.
25. Power could certainly be transmitted to Buffalo, but at prohibitive cost.
26. As the base grows, the cost of transporting the necessary water, oxygen, and food becomes ever more prohibitive.
27. It is worrying if people are being deterred from obtaining such a certificate of qualification by prohibitive costs.
28. Some of the vacant buildings may have deteriorated to such a condition that restoration costs would be prohibitive.
28.try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. The costs of setting up a manufacturing subsidiary might be prohibitive or the foreign country might be politically unstable.
30. However, many companies find the cost of planning and implementation prohibitive.