快好知 kuaihz

31. This would contradict the open-ended accessibility that is the hallmark of unit trusts. 32. The flexibility of reliance upon different sources of information is the hallmark of the successful reader. 33. Rampant individualism finds so little interest in the collective that injustice can become the hallmark of some free enterprise systems. 34. A hallmark is the encouragement of learning among all staff and suppliers. 35. Whatever it was, it didn't bear the hallmark of life in Knockglen. 36. Another Bloomsbury hallmark was witty conversation and upper-class snobbery, which has made Bloomsbury reviled in some circles. 37. The development of artificial intelligence will be a hallmark of this century. 38. Jack was never flurried, his cool, unruffled play was a hallmark of his game, along with some immensely powerful clearances. 39. But is the hallmark of social policy expenditure its contribution to public welfare, and what does this really mean? 40. If gridlock was a hallmark of the Legislature during this era, so was corruption. 41. Eddery had to be at his most determined to beat Nominator whose hallmark is toughness. 42. Yet it is stasis, not change, that is the hallmark of evolution. 43. Wild eclecticism has been the hallmark of Boyd's 30-year career as record producer, failed film mogul and quixotic entrepreneur. 44. That system of local distribution, which became a hallmark of the organization, took some years to come into being. 45. Failing creatively is the hallmark of vivisystems. 46. But urbanisation is a hallmark of a developing economy. 47. Diversity is a hallmark of the renewable energy development. 48. Hallmark test of sesame oil applys to quantitative estimation. 49. The hallmark biochemical feature of refeeding syndrome is hypophosphatemia. 50. The eye is a hallmark of a congenital condition called cyclopia, which occurs in several animal species, including humans. 51. Panniculitis is a group of diseases whose hallmark is inflammation of subcutaneous fatty and muscle tissue. 52. The hallmark of the industrial age has been its exaltation of mechanical design. 53. Since many bosses have a large belly, it a hallmark of a fat cat. 54. Wang started out with a musical genre befitting a Chinese pop idol, belting out cheesy, smooth sounding ballads that are the hallmark of the industry. 55. The morphological hallmark of primary FSGS is diffuse effacement of podocyte foot processes. 56. The hallmark of pituitary stalk interruption syndrome is an absent or hypoplastic anterior pituitary gland combined with an ectopic posterior pituitary. 57. It didn't take away amyloid plaque [a neuropathological hallmark of Alzheimer's], but it improved cognition anyway. 58. Under the elder Hall's leadership, hallmark landed contracts with artists such AS Norman Rockwell, Pablo PicASso, Georgia O'Keefe and Salvador Dali. 59. Remember laser light shows? Those sensory immersion experiences a hallmark of the hippie era? 60. The telescopes sift through the background cosmic radiation to find spots where it has been slightly perturbed as it passes through extremely hot gas, a hallmark characteristic of galaxy clusters.