快好知 kuaihz

in lieu of造句
(31) Many directors who take dividends in lieu of salary may think they are onto a good thing. (32) Redundancy payment, or a golden handshake in lieu of notice, up to the value of £30,000. (33) He did record attending the Christmas service at St. Cleer and noted with surprise a fiddle being played in lieu of an organ. (34) If he has more than 18 years' service, he may request retirement in lieu of administrative discipline. (35) The local daily serialized what Jack was doing in lieu of reading Curwood. (36) She used an inked thumbprint in lieu of signature. (37) We give him three month'wages in lieu of notice. (38) We used saccharine tablets in lieu of sugar. (39) He used an inked thumbprint in lieu of signature. (40) Using a "deed in lieu of foreclosure, " the bank claims the title and possession of the property back in full satisfaction of a debt, usually on contract. (41) He gave us an I. O . U . in lieu of cash. (42) NOTE: This section must be completed. The submittal of a resume or c. v. in lieu of completing this section does not fulfill the requirement. (43) In lieu of or in addition to the foregoing approaches, government can require payment of penalties or fees for private activities that generate external costs or fail to provide collective goods. (44) Eight , using a direct drive coupling in lieu of flat belt can improve transmission efficiency. (45) My pension has been renegotiated, and in lieu of a monthly check I'll receive a crateful of seasonal fruit. (46) In lieu of participatory democracies, republics have arisen as the actual form of government. (47) In lieu of a reply, Hung - chien took her hand. (48) Using a Medicaid waiver that pays for caregivers in the home in lieu of nursing-home care, the Dunhams had received 25 hours of weekly assistance. (49) John Deere engine accessories and Donaldson Filters in lieu of sales. (50) Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. (51) In lieu of an alarm clock, sleeping crews are woken by music played over the PA system by Nasa staff on the ground. (52) HERE, THEN, is an account calculated to show that the reinvigorated Chinese dragon will endeavor to retaliate against the American eagle, itself seeking a new foe in lieu of the Soviet bear. (53) Childrem watched TV in lieu of doing their home work. (54) There was a squat toilet set into the floor, and in lieu of toilet paper a shallow well with a little plastic bowl floating on top. (55) The suspect is under investigation of first-degree domestic violence assault and is being held in lieu of $250 000 bail. (56) It's President Obama's 48th birthday. The President has asked that in lieu of sending a gift, people just make a donation to his favorite charity, General Motors. (57) Company warranty is in lieu of any other express warranty with regard to Company products. (58) It appears the government persuaded farmers in cooperatives to accept cash in lieu of half of their annual in-kind grain allotment-then rendered the bonus worthless via the currency reform. (59) The Gold Rush (1925) - A broke Charlie Chaplin cuts into shoe leather in lieu of a steak. (60) Textile products imported in an intermediate stage may, in lieu of being labeled, be accompanied by an invoice with the required information.