快好知 kuaihz

121. With a small spoon, scrape out the seeds and any membranes. 122. Scrape up whatever resources he could find. 123. Billy just managed to scrape through the larder window. 124. Let's scrape up the dirt from the yard. 125. Any chance you to scrape up a small quantity? 126. The parents had to pinch and scrape in order to save money for their child's clothes. 127. Step 3 : Scrape the particles off the filter paper and transfer them to the empty jar. 128. I can scrape along on a reduced income for a short time, but not for ever. 129. Michael crouches next to the toilet in his cell. He's managed to pull it out about a foot from the wall and he uses his homemade allen wrench to scrape out the concrete between the cinder blocks. 130. If we mark up Neil on two or three papers he will just scrape a pass. 131. You aren't man enough to scrape up a miserable seventy - five pounds without all this whining. 132. A former Best Buy employee, Newman would watch troves of wild-eyed shoppers kick, claw and scrape their way to holiday deals. 133. I had taken my first bite of hummus sandwich when I heard the scrape of the chair. I lifted my eyes. Tape-Glasses stared back at me. 134. Other so-called suckermouth armored catfish species use their unique teeth to scrape organic material from the surfaces of submerged wood. 135. Why don't you retrench then - scrape up, hoard , economise? 136. Quickly mild depilatory remain in the skin for 8-10 minutes time. Supporting scraper or use wet towels scrape body hair, then rinse residue-fouling materials. 137. Would you like to scrape out a jam - jar? Herds a spoon. 138. Can we scrape up enough to buy a new car? 139. It took him ten seconds to scrape his disjoined remains together again. 140. We might'a'got into an awful scrape , tackling such a thing on a Friday. ". 141. Light pillars scrape the night sky over Victor, Idaho, on January 26. 142. A novel method for automatically detecting the scrape exfoliation of train wheelset tread surfaces was proposed. 143. I can't scrape you off my mind nor even off the end of my pen. 144. Who is willing to take whose the bearing transact below old scrape up ah. 145. Scrape off scales of live croaker, dig a net viscera and gills, wash. 146. You can afford a cabin, but you can't scrape up child support? 147. Scrape the old paint off, sand the surface down, and then varnish over it. 148. If you want money at any time, I can always scrape together a tenner, you know. 149. The WP theme will need built and some graphics files may need re-created in higher resolution than we can scrape from the parent site. 150. Incredibly, she was unharmed, except for a scrape on her shoulder.