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31. Lamar Alexander and his trademark red-and-black plaid was a strong contender. 32. Nelson began an extended housecleaning that by 1991 gave them the look of an intriguing if flawed contender. 33. The obvious contender ought to be Lotus 1-2-3; the DOS version was one of the most successful software programs ever. 34. Aren Nielsen, bronze medalist the last two years, was never a contender and finished eighth. 35. During his career, Olajide rose to be the No. 1 world middleweight contender. 36. After twelve months of reorganising and repositioning, Tyzack began to emerge as a contender in the top echelons of executive search. 37. Conservative Washington commentator Patrick Buchanan, 58, is a perennial contender, having mounted losing bids in 1992 and this year. 38. Two candidates had withdrawn from the contest, leaving him as sole contender. 39. David Roberts, chief trading standards officer of Shropshire County Council, is another contender. 40. The other main contender is the stylesheet approach as used by Ventura. 41. The Republican contender said he never understood the plight of the handicapped before he was injured. 42. Democratic contender Paul Tsongas added fitness to his campaign and took to the swimming pool to improve his image. 43. Additionally he made some very useful contributions in loose play, and must now be a serious contender for the Lions. 44. Yet many would have had Allen marked down as a real contender. 45. Univel is to shrink-wrap the desktop Unix contender and integrate it with Novell's NetWare networking technology. 46. If you're set on getting a cordless mouse Logitech's contender must be seriously considered. 48. Richard Harden, who batted particularly well until his fractured hand, is the vice-captain and must be a strong contender. 49. To put some big money back into the heavyweight-fight game, Sultan goes looking for a white contender. 50. To the crowd in the tap bar he had seemed no different from any other young contender down for the Sports. 51. A LEADING contender in the mayoral race in Los Angeles wants to beef up the city's police force. 52. The best-film voting went to three ballots and no big studio film was a serious contender. 53. Edward M.. Kennedy and an adviser to presidential contender Jesse Jackson. 54. The Hurricanes kept Covington, and he is a strong contender for the starting job. 55. Commentator and presidential contender Pat Buchanan also supports a single income-tax rate. 56. This is a contender, at least until the fistfights start on the sidelines again. 57. Peter Reith, an unsuccessful contender for the leadership, was elected as deputy leader. 58. All the women competitors are home-based and another likely contender for honours is Tanni Grey from Cardiff. 59. In that survey, Perot, a Dallas billionaire, was not listed as a contender. 60. He does not by any means have the kind of team that is ready to rise to the level of contender.