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31. The observation items included photodysphoria, tearing, ocular pain and redness, Corneal dying, impaired, cornea sensitivity, inflammatory changes, etc. 32. Methods 16 cases (25 eyes) were underwent optical iridectomy and extracapsular cataract extraction. The vision was improved due to the upper transparent cornea. 33. Conclusions The corneal diopter measured by the topographer was more accurate than that measured by the keratometer, especially for the patients cornea was too steep, flat or corneal opacity. 34. The utility model belongs to an ophthalmology emersion technique sphere, specifically relates to a non-penetration integral artificial cornea for artificial organs. 35. Inflammation of the eyelids with crusting of the eyelashes, that may increase the risk of infection or inflammation of the cornea after LASIK. 36. The soil fertility shows a decrease trend in cornea rotation. 37. Objective: To discuss the method of treatment of dislodgment cornea deep layer glass foreign body through analysis with 60 cases. 38. Doctors have long known that amantadine treatment causes abnormal changes in the cornea in some Parkinson's patients. 39. In detail examinations, we found that he had leukoma of cornea, deficiency in tear secretion, and high myopia. 40. A discussion is made on the function of the cornea lens in the compound eye the horsefly and the relation between sampling pattern of the visual information of the compound eye and adaptation state. 41. Astigmatism is caused when the cornea is shaped irregularly like a football. 42. The tissue in the eye's cornea may opacify and the patient may go blind. 43. Objective : Pterygium formation is the process of the arising and extending of wing-shaped fold of fibrovascular tissue from the interpalpebral conjunctiva to the cornea. 44. There is also a relatively rare condition called keratoconus where the cornea becomes progressively thinner and cone shaped. 45. The number of the lesions varies from a few to several thousand, affecting oral mucous membranes (in 70% of cases), genitalia (30%), and conjunctivae (eyelid) (20%), as well as the cornea (eyeball). 46. The cells were taken from the limbus, the rim around the cornea, the clear window that covers the colored part of the eye. 47. The middle aqueous layer provides moisture and supplies oxygen and other important nutrients to the cornea. 48. Methods Fungi were injected into the space between cornea and corneal graft with epikeratophakia, and pathological characteristics was observed. 49. Pterygium is a triangular sheet of fibrovascular tissue that invades the clear cornea from the bulbar conjunctiva, and has a high recurrence rate after simple excision. 50. Background Corneal renewal and repair are mediated by stem cells of the limbus,[/cornea.html] the narrow zone between the cornea and the bulbar conjunctiva. 51. Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism are all caused by an imperfectly shaped eyeball, cornea, or lens. 52. If it's the cornea , Joe can regain sight with a corneal transplant. 53. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eye) is common in dogs. Symptoms include eye redness, a yellow or greenish discharge, ulceration of the cornea, pigmented cornea, and blood vessels on the cornea. 54. Objective : To investigate therapeutic effect of cornea toxicide for treating herpes simplex viral keratitis. 55. Objective To observe the expression of collagen type I and II in normal cornea and keratoconus, and discuss the effects on the keratoconus. 56. Ocular tumors in dogs are found in the eyelid, conjunctiva, third eyelid, cornea, sclera, iris, ciliary body, retina, choroid, optic nerve, and orbit. 57. Methods: Schultz - dale reaction, antihistamine alleviating pruritus test and cornea surface anesthesia test. 58. The injurious mechanism of alkaline burn of cornea has always been concerned. 59. CONCLUSION:Clinicians should pay attention to the toxity of tobramycin dexamethasone eye drops on cornea, and prevention and treatment, standard medication should be performed. 60. A third optional application is the Rostock Cornea Module, which provides in vivo imaging of cornea, limbus and conjunctiva.