快好知 kuaihz

1. She raked a comb through her wayward curls. 2. She could be wayward, petulant, and disagreeable. 3. The dashboard sports a gash from wayward bicycle gears. 4. My upper climbing garments have always proved wayward in the role of guidebook protection. 5. But no, his wayward member twitched once more, started to stiffen with free-willed resolve. 6. On another level, perhaps he was fighting a wayward spirit he could not control. 7. This wayward tendency is a great drawback to an Orc warlord. 8. Pinning up her wayward curls, Lissa made a face in the steam-coated bathroom mirror. 9. In a wayward mood, he ran away from home. 10. This was followed in 1947 by The Wayward Bus. 11. AIG's wayward eggheads are not the only ones squirming. 12. The boy's wayward behavior cost his mother many a sleepless night. 13. He lets bygones be bygones, they say, and is always happy to welcome back the wayward. 14. But a year ago, Putin came to power vowing to crack down on wayward regions. 15. The two wrote their original Burns and Allen bits with Gracie delivering the straight lines and George telling the wayward stories. 16. Resolve to practise positive thinking instead and choose to ignore or zap any of these unhelpful, wayward thoughts. 17. The chemistry had been between them from the start, waiting only for a wayward spark to ignite it. 18. She used legal skills and political clout to keep the wayward thrift afloat. 19. Gregory's bass guitar was out of tune because of a wayward string and none of the group had guitar tuners. 20. It came as no surprise that Tam's throwing was fairly accurate, while Richie's shots tended to be consistently wayward. 21. Aunt Sally left her personal estate of several hundred thousand dollars to a home for wayward Dalmatians. 22. The only discovery which has definitely not been incorporated in the project is the dreaded tawse once used to beat the wayward. 23. Leonie felt a momentary pang of compassion for her wayward granddaughter. 24. The press coverage of the 1942 and 1943 events situated the MexicanAmerican in a world of wayward women and ungoverned desire. 25. The Navy has spent several hectic days examining the wayward bombs. 26. Why not use those enormous silly grey eyes that never had a wayward or mischievous look in them? 27. Eric's ego was bruised when the crowd jeered a wayward shot and he tore off his shirt in disgust. 28. Fair was definitely not being at the beck and call of her wayward emotions. 29. Then in the next instant she groaned inwardly, cursing her wayward thoughts. 30. They were both very smart and correct, but Grandad was a little more wayward.