快好知 kuaihz

31. Tess was trying to wean herself from the old life. 32. Such enthusiasm reflects the hope that nuclear power can wean America off imported fossil fuels. 33. Following the step-down programme in this way will let you gradually wean yourself off nicotine so you can quit for good. 34. The goal is to gradually wean the dieter off meat rather than demand an overnight change. 35. It's two years since I've seen Iain. I'm still trying to wean myself off him but it's hard. 36. He was sent away to school to wean him from bad companions. 37. Often she tried, as gently wean him from this fanatic worship of the Muses. 38. Parisians can now get their sparkling water free and in unlimited supply at a new public drinking fountain installed by city authorities, which aims to wean consumers off bottled water and onto tap.