快好知 kuaihz

1. Old use and wont legs about the fire. 2. She arrived an hour late, as is her wont. 3. He was wont to say that children are lazy. 4. He was wont to give lengthy speeches. 5. He was wont to rise early. 6. It was her wont to rise early. 7. You're sure you wont stay for tea? 8. The previous city council was wont to overspend. 9. I wont to listen to the music at night. 10. He was wont to fall asleep after supper. 11. Paul woke early, as was his wont. 12. He spoke for too long, as is his wont. 13. Ickes is wont to yawn in mid-conversation. 14. As was his wont, Churchill drank scotch with water, but no ice. 15. Rosebery left the Tabernacle, reflecting as was his wont, and thinking of this vast power wielded by one man. 16. Indeed Bourdieu is wont to speak of functions or their functional equivalent. 17. His horrible wont was to envelop his victim with his wings and suffocate him to death. 18. Hapsburg officers, especially hussars,[/wont.html] were wont to please themselves what they wore. 19. Both have committed their indiscretions, as human beings are wont to do. 20. She went for a walk after breakfast, as was her wont. 21. They spent much of the time reminiscing about the war, as old soldiers are wont to do. 22. He went to bed much earlier than was his wont. 23. Rangers have told Spurs they might be interested in a player swop deal but they wont pay cash. 24. It was not often that the High King searched me for truth as he was wont to search lesser men. 25. Desmond Seymour-Strachey sat, accepting the bustle, as was his wont. 26. Be still, my beating heart, as T. Wogan was wont to say. 27. The ground was deeply cut up where Dersingham's cattle had been wont to stray. 28. The theist thereby comes to justify as a paradox what the atheist is wont to dismiss as a confusion. 29. It transpired that there was a secluded roof on her house where she was wont to sunbathe totally naked. 30. It could be catastrophic if he started giving himself airs, as tenors are wont to do.