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31. Aiming at the weight computing problem in the group hierarchy process ( AHP ) , logarithmic regress is adopted. 32. Again, I'm not going to spend much time on this, of the ith asset is the regression coefficient when you regress the return on the ith asset on the return of the market portfolio. 33. I do feel more myself in America. I can regress there, and they have roller - coaster parks. 34. In succession, put forward a math model and verify the hypothesis in describing and regress. 35. A linear multivariate regress equation was summarised by regress analyzing for the carbon steel siliconizing process. 36. It is a kind of relaxation, because thinking stops; you regress. 37. The pediatrician suggested that these are usually asymptomatic and regress without treatment. 38. Normally,[http:///regress.html] they regress into four to five fused vertebrae (the coccyx). 39. The thing is, rest, feel good and when you come back just regress. 40. If we are to have a meaningful expression, such a regress must terminate in a connection to the world—an ostensive definition, a demonstration, a word-to-world connection.