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151. The bulb has four LEDs, a switch for high or low settings, and a safety hook for hanging. It's rainproof and impact-resistant, and rated from minus 4 to 131 degrees. 152. A reasonable guesstimate is that China's total urban stock is around 17 billion square meters, plus or minus 10 percent. 153. Fitch slashed BNP's long - term rating to AA minus from AA on deteriorating asset quality. 154. What people do not spend on consumption goods they save: income minus consumption equals savings. 155. A minus sign, which specifies left adjustment of the converted argument. 156. At the previous single A minus, California already had Fitch's lowest rating. 157. Seeds must be stored at minus 20 degrees Celsius (minus 4 Fahrenheit), and plant sprouts that rely on cryo-preservation must be far colder. 158. Pure water sometimes does not freeze until it reaches minus 40 degrees Celsius. 159. It is proved that a small circular aperture has the positive and minus focal distances, and the research experiments for small aperture glasses are introduced concisely. 160. Foreign currencies accepted at a lock - up value of minus one peso of the prevailing exchange rate. 161. Rat - bite fever is an acute illness caused by two different organisms , Streptobacillus moniliformis and Spirillum minus. 162. It is firstly def ined as minus logarithm PH indicator. 163. Accurate minus delta voltage (-DV ), DV/DT controlling, ensure fully charging but not over charging. 163.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 164. 1-0 If we compute this, the i component will be one minus zero. 165. Net exports of goods and services consisting of the amount of exports minus of imports. 166. The bank then transfers the Net Settlement Amount, or the money transacted minus the bank's handling fees, into the merchant's own personal bank account. 167. Minus seventy degree Celsius stored samples have a storage life of five years. 168. The cost of a plant asset minus the total recorded depreciation, as shown by the Accumulated Depreciation account. The remaining undepreciated cost is also known as carrying value. 169. Consumer Reports has something called wholesale price, which is the normal dealer invoice price minus all relevant rebates and incentives. 170. Then, use awk to strip out the command name minus options and arguments, and pass the sorted list to uniq to give an enumerated list. 171. Net cash means cash plus short - term investments or marketable securities minus debt. 172. If the coefficient of the first term is negative, it is preceded by a unary minus in the first column, with no intervening blank column. 173. So the minus volatile as the criterion to judge the unqualified mica paper tape. 174. The temperature in Kharkiv falls down to as low as minus 20 degrees at night. 175. Fifteen minus five -- there are only ten days to go now. 176. Even if Lee wins and restores conservative rule - minus authoritarianism - the transition will be anything but smooth. 177. The lower limit of limestone size should be larger than minus 120 meshes. 178. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2 percent. 179. Actions equals minus reactions, according to Newton's Third Law, so this force, Fij, will be exactly the same as Fji, except in the opposite direction. 180. Impulse function test shows that FDI, surplus of processing trade and remain sum of deposit minus loan impact exchange reserve positively and persistently.