快好知 kuaihz

31. A thick layer of clay lies over the sandstone. 32. A thick layer of dust lay on the furniture. 33. The sheep of mine have very thick wool. 34. He brewed cups of thick Turkish coffee. 35. The crash happened in thick fog. 36. In the winter, sheep have thick fleeces. 37. How thick could you get? 38. He'd coated the shelves with a thick treacly varnish. 39. John is very thick with Anne. 40. We got lost in the thick fog. 41. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. 42. It is dangerous to drive in a thick fog. 43. Draw a thick black line across the page. 44. The silicon chip is less than a millimeter thick. 45. The air was thick with tobacco smoke. 46. The planet Venus is enshrouded in thick clouds. 47. Thick white smoke blotted out the sun. 48. Her thick, black hair shone with lustre. 49. My thick clothing deadened the blow. 50. She was still wearing her thick coat. 51. Cut the meat into thick strips. 52. The average UK coal seam is one metre thick. 53. Thick cotton padding embedded the precious vase in its box. 54. The hunters camped in the midst of the thick forest. 55. His captors had put a gag of thick leather in his mouth. 56. My underskirt had ridden up into a thick band around my hips. 57. She had thick black hair and smooth dark skin . 58. The roof of the temple was held up by a row of thick stone columns. 59. The thick fruit weighs down the branches of the trees. 60. You need a piece of thick cord about two metres long.