pupil造句61. The stupid behaviour of one pupil has brought discredit on the whole school.
62. The teachers allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting.
63. The pupil bagged school.
64. Pupil goes to college and is taught analysis.
65. Fahey was obviously an apt pupil.
66. Premack's prize pupil was a wild-born chimpanzee, Sarah. 4.
67. Pupil - Your trousers round your ankles, sir!
68. I asked one pupil if he ever said Grace.
69. She's by far the brightest pupil in the form.
70. Elinor was a star pupil in her therapy class.
71. Esso's links extend to teacher placements and pupil visits.
72. The principal's own inquiries revealed that seven boys had taken soft drugs from the pupil.
73. A school pupil boycott had also been in operation since the beginning of the year.
74. Pupil assessment is continuous so that the child's future educational needs can be determined.
75. Where a teacher is peripatetic in a school building it is much more difficult to display materials and motivate pupil contributions.
76. The distinction between primary and secondary sources will not always be immediately obvious to the pupil.
77. How did a pupil like Stephen react to a teacher of this sort?
78. When their control is threatened it is possible for them to obtain relief by displacing a prominently misbehaving pupil.
79. Private schools spend on average £56 per pupil per year on equipment.
80. Her room is not equipped for easy pupil access to equipment and she has to store apparatus on a trolley elsewhere.
81. They then qualify for £50,000 capital funding and extra grants worth £123 per pupil from the Government.
82. Hayling was a brilliant pupil at school and was soon marked down as Oxbridge material.
83. Tutor and pupil may, however, have spoken Latin to each other.
84. The title role went to school pupil who left earlier this year.
85. One pupil told her grandmother, who was so shocked she had to be calmed down by her son and daughter-in-law.
86. When a pupil is genuinely interested in a topic we can direct them to the website.
87. In 1939 Hoffnung became a pupil at Highgate School, where he was remembered for his anarchic spirit.
88. A string led from the axle, via a pulley held by another patient pupil, to a dangling weight.
89. The earlier a pupil is able to find and keep to a comfortable and efficient working position, the better.
90. Ministers have shifted their focus from primary standards to the lack of pupil progress at key stage 3.