stunned造句91. Many historians were stunned by the book's inaccurate treatment of the battle.
92. Those that are wounded and stunned will be consumed by the swordfish at leisure, circling round any that start to sink.
93. At that meeting on July 10, the board was stunned by an independent audit of four years of crime statistics.
94. Canada was completely stunned by the shooting, for it thinks of itself as a peaceful, gentle nation.
95. Sensing his authority had ebbed, Fujimori grimly took the only exit left: political suicide, a move that stunned everyone.
96. Sam Somerville and Duncan McCrea would later tell the inquiry that they were as stunned as those listening on the line.
97. So it suggests a compromise which asks that meat from religious slaughter, where animals are not stunned, should be labelled.
98. A stunned silence fell over the racecourse as he lay motionless in the grass while Heraldic galloped on.
99. She heard Ana scream her name but it had all happened so fast that she was stunned.
100. It was undeniably dead. perhaps it had been stunned by a penalty kick from a crack centre-forward.
101. She scooted out from behind the counter back to the kitchen, leaving Mitchell too stunned to react.
102. All he got from the other end was a stunned silence.
103. He looked stunned, almost in a trance, but he soon regained his composure.
104. Frankly, I was stunned when I saw myself like a kewpie doll from the catacombs.
105. Julia, stunned but dry-eyed, had given her statement to the police.
106. That was two days before Intuit and Microsoft stunned the technology and banking industries by proposing their merger.
107. I probably should not have been stunned, since civil wars test allegiances.
108. My accident and stunned expression seemed to excuse me, however.
109. Too stunned to react or notice whether his face was as casual and without regret as his words, I hiked on.
110. A stunned silence fell upon the room as they focused their attention on what they thought was princess Voluptua.
111. A stunned character will find his mind cleared of discord by the blow!
112. Meanwhile, Lyneham is in mourning for its dead ... the airbase community stunned by the tragedy.
113. He looked tired, a little subdued, and suddenly she was stunned by an almost overwhelming shock of tenderness.
114. Stunned schoolboy Simon Dove ended up with the blame after the real culprit gave a false name and address.
115. Nicholson said he was stunned; he never knew and thus the magazine article did not include this item.
116. I was stunned by the news, and my initial reaction was anger.
117. The stunned pair made a bid for the burgeoning television market.
118. Mrs Palichuk was reduced to stunned silence for a moment.
119. Mitch looked stunned and she felt an incredible burst of guilt that she had not told him about this girl's problem.
120. Stuart was as popular as he was courageous and capable, and the South was stunned by his death.