simplification造句1. Like any such diagram, it is a simplification.
2. Everyone favours the simplification of court procedures.
3. Complaints have led to simplification of the rules.
4. These figures are a simplification. The real situation is much more complicated than this.
5. What she said was a useful simplification of the theory.
6. Much of this simplification may be irreversible.
7. A diagrammatic simplification is reproduced as Figure 1.
8. Multi-employer bargaining makes for simplification of effort in that separate contracts do not have to be negotiated with each individual employer.
8.try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. In one sense it is a simplification, but also it is a clarification which is intended to provide understanding and prediction.
10. Above all, war inspires the simplification of normal complexities into the heroism of folklore.
11. Is simplification as a pedagogic strategy inconsistent with the principles of a communicative approach to language teaching?
12. Adams soon realized that a simplification of the Evershed plan was not only necessary but also feasible.
13. For now, at least, the cause of tax simplification seems to have been captured by the far right.
14. It is a simplification to banish all but the principal actors from the international stage.
15. What they get from infomercials is simplification in administration, collection and sales.
16. This simplification is achieved through the aggregation of attainment target assessments into profile components, and into results on each subject.
17. Any simplification can also be justified by the fact that there will be progression in the National Curriculum course.
18. The failings may also justify some simplification, if only to allow greater resources to be devoted to the most important indicators.
19. Data base operation having applied Hibernate simplification.
20. This design not only made an obvious simplification on the structure of cutter replacer but also enhanced the strengths of cutting tool holder and sliding frame as well.
21. Based on the simplification of lumped parameter model, the experience calculation of maximum cooling area of small water body with its parameters and meteorological parameters is attained.
22. Her study is based on the hypothesis that language simplification is possible.
23. For a file of this size, no value has been altered materially due to the simplification of using Poisson values.
24. Diagrams can take perfectly reliable data and through over simplification deliberately or unintentionally mislead.
25. The Worldwide Fund for Nature and other conservation groups have called for a simplification of this network.
26. The unemployment trap has been substantially eased and the simplification of social security has had major effects.
27. Of course the above differentiation between book selection and censorship is a simplification.
28. The functional relation between equipment examination cycle and rate is found by rational simplification and resolution.
29. The article uses the proving of deduction theorem to give general program of construction theorem proving, and adding a piece of simplification command. The program is gotten strict and exercisable.
30. The motion control of the hexapod parallel mechanism with high speed and high acceleration depends on the accurate dynamics model, proper simplification and real-time computing.